Dakota Computer Solutions
1579 Lexington Road
Green Oaks, IL 60048
Tel: 847-816-1337
Fax: 847-816-4558
Is it possible to use a cable length of more than 1,000ft (300m)?
The VoyagerUTP has been designed to produce acceptable results with Super VGA resolutions
at the maximum cable length. It may be possible to run up to 1,600ft (500m) at the standard VGA
resolution (640x480). However, we cannot guarantee that this will work in every instance.
Can VoyagerUTP units be chained to allow operation over more than 1,000 feet (300
Two units may be chained to allow operation over longer distances. Using cascaded units, Super
VGA operation over 1,600ft (500m) and standard VGA operation over 1,920ft (600m) is possible,
though not guaranteed. In general, the first segment of cable length should be around 640ft
(200m) with the remainder in the second segment. Careful calibration of the video equalizers is
required. If you plan to cascade units, please contact technical support to discuss your
Which cable is better UTP or STP?
UTP cable will give the best quality video over long distances because it has less capacitance per
unit length. However, STP may be a better choice in electrically noisy environments.
When using UTP what is the best way to ensure the system does not suffer from any
This product is designed to withstand high levels of interference while using Cat 5 cable over long
distances. To further reduce the potential for interference consider the following:
a) Ensure that the computer and remote monitor are both connected to the same power phase.
b) Ensure that the AC voltage across the power ground (at the local PC & remote monitor) is
less than 2V.
c) Use a clean earth system (if your site has one installed).
d) Route the interconnection cable away from other cables to avoid electrical interference.
d) Try STP cable if you think electronic noise could be a problem.
Is the Voyager UTP suitable for use between buildings?
The Voyager UTP does not have line isolation. Therefore, operation between buildings is not
Can multiple Local or Remote Units be used, by swapping the UTP cable over?
The Voyager UTP has full emulation thereby allowing you to swap cables between units. After
swapping the cable, press ‘Scroll Lock’ to resynchronize the Voyager UTP.
Is the Voyager UTP connectable to my network?
The Voyager UTP uses the same cable as your network,
but it cannot be directly connected
into your network. You may damage your Voyager beyond repair if you attempt to do so.