Dake Corporation
724 Robbins Road
Grand Haven, MI 49417
Mix the coolant that comes with the machine at a 10:1 ratio. Add about a half-gallon of
mixed coolant in the machine bed.
Place material to be cut in the vice (1) and clamp the material in place by turning the
hand wheel (2) clockwise.
Turn the power switch clockwise to the on position.
Be sure that the blade is rotating in the correct direction indicated (the blade will rotate
clockwise, be sure the blade is on correctly, also see “changing the blade”) and check to
make sure the coolant is on.
When the machine is now ready to cut the material. Keep in mind that the cutting speed
and the type of blade, combined with a suitable descent of the head are important for
cutting quality and machine performance.
When starting to cut with a new blade, be sure to take out the back lash (see “changing
the blade”) on the blade in order to safeguard the blade life and efficiency. The first two or
three cuts must be made while exerting a slight pressure on the part, so that the time
taken to cut is about double the normal time.
Grip the handle and press the button, slowly move the head in the down position and
begin to cut the material. When you are done cutting the material, release the blade and
move the head in the up position.