A random start delay time between 300 and 360
seconds is generated at power up.
Figure 14: MicroTech III unit controller terminal locations
The IV/PR(H8) terminals of the
MicroTech III unit controller are used
for motorized valve / pump restart.
This terminal passes a voltage
signal whenever the unit compressor
is turned on. This signal is detected
by a pump restart relay providing a
N.O. or N.C. set of contacts for heat
pump loop circulation pump or
motorized valve control. When used
with a system control (by others),
the relay operation accommodates
turning off circulation pumps during
unoccupied periods with a safety
override dependent, at minimum, on
WSHP’s need. The IV/PR(H8)
terminals may be “daisy chained”
between 200 units.
Figure 15: Location of configuration jumpers on the
MicroTech III unit controller
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