Centrifugal Chillers
Operator Responsibilities
It is important that the operator become familiar with the equipment and the system before
attempting to operate the chiller. In addition to reading this manual, the operator should study
operation manual OM CentrifMicro II (latest edition) and the control diagram furnished with the
unit before starting, operating, or shutting it down.
During the initial startup of the chiller the Daikin technician will be available to answer any
questions and instruct in the proper operating procedures.
It is recommended that the operator maintain an operating log for each individual chiller unit. In
addition, a separate maintenance log should be kept of the periodic maintenance and servicing
This Daikin centrifugal chiller represents a substantial investment and deserves the attention and
care normally given to keep this equipment in good working order. If the operator encounters
abnormal or unusual operating conditions, it is recommended that a Daikin service technician be
Daikin conducts training for centrifugal operators at its factory Training Center in Staunton,
Virginia, several times a year. These sessions are structured to provide basic classroom
instruction and include hands-on operating and troubleshooting exercises. For further
information, contact your Daikin representative.
Standby Power
It is essential that any centrifugal chiller connected to standby power come to a complete stop on
grid power and then be restarted with the standby power. Attempting to switch from regular grid
line power to auxiliary power while the compressor is running can result in extreme transient
torque that will severely damage the compressor.
MicroTech II
Figure 17, MicroTech II Control Panel
All chillers are equipped with the Daikin
MicroTech II control system consisting
Operator toucDHSCreen interface
panel (shown at the left). It consists
of a 12-inch Super VGA color screen
and a floppy drive. See Figure 17.
Unit Control Panel containing the
MicroTech II unit controller and
miscellaneous switches and field
connection terminals.
Compressor Control Panel for each
compressor containing the MicroTech
II compressor controller and lube
system control components.