Centrifugal Chillers
terminal strip in the motor terminal box (not the unit control panel). Wiring from the unit
control panel to the motor terminal is done in the factory.
3. For optional sensor wiring, see unit control diagram. It is recommended that DC wires
be run separately from 115 Vac wiring.
4. Customer furnished 24 or 120 Vac power for alarm relay coil can be connected
between UTB1 terminals 84 power and 51 neutral of the control panel. For normally
open contacts, wire between 82 & 81. For normally closed contacts, wire between 83 &
81. The alarm is operator programmable. The maximum rating of the alarm relay coil
is 25 VA.
5. Remote on/off control of unit can be accomplished by installing a set of dry contacts
between terminals 70 and 54.
6. Evaporator and condenser paddle type flow switches or water pressure differential
switches are required and must be wired as shown. If field supplied pressure
differential switches are used then these must be installed across the vessel and not
the pump.
7. Customer supplied 115 Vac, 20 amp power for optional evaporator and condenser
water pump control power and tower fans is supplied to unit control terminals (UTBI) 85
power / 86 neutral, PE equipment ground.
8. Optional customer supplied 115 Vac, 25 VA maximum coil rated chilled water pump
relay (EP 1 & 2) can be wired as shown. This option will cycle the chilled water pump in
response to building load.
9. The condenser water pump must cycle with the unit. A customer supplied 115 Vac 25
VA maximum coil rated condenser water pump relay (CP1 & 2) is to be wired as shown.
10. Optional customer supplied 115 Vac, 25 VA maximum coil rated cooling tower fan
relays (CL - C4) can be wired as shown. This option will cycle the cooling tower fans in
order to maintain unit head pressure.
11. Auxiliary 24 Vac rated contacts in both the chilled water and condenser water pump
starters must be wired as shown.
12. For VFD, Wye-Delta, and solid state starters connected to six (6) terminal motors, the
conductors between the starter and motor carry phase current and their ampacity must
be based on 58 percent of the motor rated load amperes (RLA) times 1.25. Wiring of
free-standing starter must be in accordance with the NEC and connection to the
compressor motor terminals shall be made with copper wire and copper lugs only.
Main power wiring between the starter and motor terminals is factory-installed when
chillers are supplied with unit-mounted starters.
13. Optional Protocol Selectability BAS interfaces. The locations and interconnection
requirements for the various standard protocols are found in their respective installation
manuals, obtainable from the local Daikin sales office and also shipped with each unit:
Modbus IM 743-0
LonWorks IM 735-0
BACnet IM 736-0
The “Full Metering” or “Amps Only Metering” option will require some field wiring when
free-standing starters are used. Wiring will depend on chiller and starter type. Consult
the local Daikin sales office for information on specific selections.