8 Configuration
Installer reference guide
Daikin Altherma – Low temperature split
4P556075-1 – 2019.02
Emitter type Main
Space heating
setpoint range
Target delta T in
heating [1‑0B]
0: Underfloor heating Maximum 55°C
Variable (see [2.B])
1: Fancoil unit
Maximum 55°C
Variable (see [2.B])
2: Radiator
Maximum 60°C
Fixed 8°C
The maximum setpoint in space heating depends on the
emitter type as can be seen in above table. If there are 2
water temperature zones, then the maximum setpoint is
the maximum of the 2 zones.
If there are 2 zones, it is important that the zone with the
lowest water temperature is configured as the main zone,
and the zone with the highest water temperature is
configured as the additional zone. Not configuring the
system in this way could cause damage to the heat
If there are 2 zones and the emitter types are wrongly
configured, water of high temperature can be sent towards
a low temperature emitter (underfloor heating). To avoid
▪ Install an aquastat/thermostatic valve to avoid too high
temperatures towards a low temperature emitter.
▪ Make sure you set the emitter types for the main zone
[2.7] and for the additional zone [3.7] correctly in
accordance with the connected emitter.
Depending on the target delta T, the average emitter
temperature will vary. To counteract the effect on the
average emitter temperature due to a higher delta T target,
the leaving water setpoint (fixed or weather dependent)
can be adjusted.
Setpoint range
You can limit the range of the leaving water temperature for the main
leaving water temperature zone. The purpose of this setting is to
prevent a wrong (i.e. too hot or too cold) leaving water temperature.
Therefore, the available desired heating temperature range and
desired cooling temperature range can be configured.
In case of a floor heating application it is important to limit
the maximum leaving water temperature at heating
operation according to the specifications of the floor
heating installation.
Only for EAVZ: If the indoor unit is connected to a high
temperature emitter system, and simultaneous demand
exists on both emitter zones, and if the high emitter system
leaving water setpoint is chosen bigger than 60°C in the
complete operation range, there can be an increased
power consumption.
▪ When adjusting the leaving water temperature ranges,
all desired leaving water temperatures are also
adjusted to guarantee they are between the limits.
▪ Always balance between the desired leaving water
temperature with the desired room temperature and/or
the capacity (according to the design and selection of
the heat emitters). The desired leaving water
temperature is the result of several settings (preset
values, shift values, weather dependent curves,
modulation). As a result, too high or too low leaving
water temperatures could occur which lead to
overtemperatures or capacity shortage. By limiting the
leaving water temperature range to adequate values
(depending on the heat emitter), such situations can be
Set the minimum leaving water temperature to 28°C to
avoid NOT to be able to heat up the room: leaving water
temperatures MUST be sufficiently higher than the room
temperatures (in heating).
Leaving water temperature range for the main leaving water
temperature zone (= the leaving water temperature zone with the
lowest leaving water temperature in heating operation and the
highest leaving water temperature in cooling operation)
Heating minimum 15°C~37°C
Heating maximum
▪ [2‑0C]=2 (emitter type main zone =
▪ Otherwise: 37°C~55°C
Cooling minimum 5°C~18°C
Cooling maximum 18°C~22°C
For the control of the unit there are 3 possibilities:
In this control...
Leaving water
Unit operation is decided based on the leaving
water temperature regardless the actual room
temperature and/or heating or cooling demand
of the room.
External room
Unit operation is decided by the external
thermostat or equivalent (e.g. heat pump
Room thermostat
Unit operation is decided based on the ambient
temperature of the user interface used as a
room thermostat.
▪ 0: Leaving water
▪ 1: External room thermostat
▪ 2: Room thermostat
Thermostat type
Only applicable in external room thermostat control.