Figure 2-3
2.3.2 DIP Switch Setup
It needs to set the address number and baud rate before controlling the speed dome.
After some related information has been reset, it has to cut off the power and reboot the device
to make the new settings valid.
There are two DIP switches on the PCB board of the speed dome side, which are used to
confirm the speed dome address, baud rate and parity parameters.
For the protocol DIP switch, 1~3 is NC neutral b
it, 4 is the setting bit for 120Ω matched
resistance, ON is to connect 120Ω matched resistance, 5, 6 are the setting bit for parity, 7, 8 are
the setting bit for baud rate. Among the DIP switch numbers, 1 is the lowest bit while 8 is the
highest bit.
The intelligent speed dome can self-adapt to PELCO-D, PELCO-P and industrial standard
protocol, control protocol doesn
’t need to be set via DIP switch.
2.3.3 Address Setup
The speed dome can use DIP switch to set address number, coding mode adopts binary coding.
1~8 bits are valid bit, the highest address bit is 255, the address label is shown in Figure 2-4,
please refer to Table 2-1 for the address bit setup.