background image

Blown Air Drying

Remove the covers from all apertures to allow the escape of the water-laden air. During drying, 
air must be able to flow freely through the generator in order to carry off the moisture.

Direct hot air from two electrical fan heaters of around 1-3 KW into the generator air inlet aper-
tures. Ensure the heat source is at least 300mm away from the windings to avoid over heating 
and damage to the insulation.

Apply the heat and plot the insulation value at half hourly intervals. The process is complete 
when the parameters covered in the section entitled, 'Typical Drying Out Curve', are met.

Remove the heaters, replace all covers and re-commission as appropriate.

If the set is not to be run immediately ensure that the anticondensation heaters are energized, 
and retest prior to running.

Shirt Circuit Method

NOTE: This process shou ld only be performed by a competent engineer familiar with safe 
operating practices within and around generator sets of the type in question. Ensure the gene-
rator is safe to work on, initiate all mechanical and electrical safety procedures pertaining to the
genset and the site.

Bolt a short ci rcuit of adequate current carrying capacity, across the main terminals of the 
generator. The shorting link should be capable of taking full load current.

Disconnect the cables from terminals "X" and "XX" of the AVR.

Connect a variable de supply to the "X" (positive) and "XX" (negative) field cables. The de 
supply must be able to provide a current up to 2.0 Amp at 0-24Volts.

Position a suitable ac ammeter to measure the shorting link current.

Set the de supply voltage to zero and start the generating set. Slowly increase the de voltage to 
pass current through the exciter field winding. As the excitation current increases, so the stator 
current in the shorting link will increase. This stator output current level must be monitored, and 
not allowed to exceed 80% of the generators rated output current.

After every 30 minutes of this exercise: Stop the generator and switch off the separate excita-
tion supply, and measure and record the stator winding IR values, and plot the results.
The resulting graph should be compared with the classic shaped graph. This drying out proce-
dure is complete when the parameters covered in the section entitled 'Typical Drying Out 
Curve' are met.

Once the insulation Resistance is raised to an acceptable level minimum value 10MΩ - the de 
supply may be removed and the exciter field leads "X" and "XX" re-connected to their terminals 
on the AVR.

Rebuild the genset, replace all covers and re-commission as appropriate.

If the set is not to be run immediately ensure that the anticondensation heaters are energised, 
and retest the generator prior to running.

Typical Drying Out Curve

Whichever method is used to dry out the generator the resistance should be measured every 
half-hour and a curve plotted as shown.(Fig 9)

The illustration shows a typical curve for a machine that has absorbed a considerable amount 
of moisture. The curve indicates a temporary increase in resistance, a fall and then a gradual 
rise to a steady state. Point 'A', the steady state, must be greater than 1.0MΩ (If the windings 
are only slightly damp the dotted portion of the curve may not appear).

For general guidance expect that the typical time to reach point 'A' will be approximately 3 
hours for a LV 6 generator.

Drying should be continued after point "A" has been reached for at least one hour.

It should be noted that as winding temperature increases, values of insulation resistance may 
significantly reduce. Therefore, the reference values for insulation resistance can only be esta-
blished with windings at a temperature of approximately 20°C.

After drying out, the insulation resistances should be rechecked to verify minimum resistances 
quoted above are achieved. On re-testing it is recommended that the main stator insulation 
resistance is checked as fol lows:

-Separate the neutral leads.
Ground V and W phase and megger U phase to ground
Ground U and W phase and megger V phase to ground
Ground U and V phase and megger W phase to ground.

If the minimum value of 1.0MΩ is not obtained, drying out must be continued and the test 
If the minimum value of 1.0MΩ for all components cannot be achieved rewinding or refurbish-
ment of the generator will be necessary.

The generator must not be put into service until the minimum value, Of 1.0MΩ for all compo-
nents, can be achieved.


All bearings are supplied from the factory pre-packed with Kluber Asonic GHY 72 grease.
Do not mix kluber Asonic GHY 72 with any grease of different specifications. Mixing grease of 
differing specifications will reduce bearing life. The specification for Kluber Asonic FHY 72 is 
available on request from the factory.
Sealed for life bearings are fitted with integral seals and are not re-greasable.



The life of a bearing in service is subject to the working conditions and the


High levels of vibration from the engine or misalignment of the set will    




stress the bearing and reduce its service life. If the vibration limits set out  




im BS 5000-3 and ISO 8528-9 are exceeded bearing life will be reduced.  




Refer to 'vibration’ below.


Long stationary periods in an environment where the generator is subject  




to vibration can cause false brinneling, which puts flats on the ball and    




grooves on the races, leading to premature failure.


Very humid atmospheric or wet conditions can emulsify the grease causing  




corrosion and deterioration of the grease, leading to premature failure of   




It recommends that the user check the bearing condition, using monitoring equipment, to 
determine the state of the bearings. The 'best practice' is to take initial readings as a base line 
and periodically monitor the bearings to detect a deteriorating trend. It will then be possible to 
plan a bearing change at an appropriate generating set or engine service interval.


The generators are designed ti withstand the vibration levels encountered on generating sets 
built to meet the requirements of ISO 8528-9 and BS5000-3. (Where ISO 8528 is taken to be 
broad band measurements and BS5000 refers to the predominant frequency of any vibrations 
on the generating set.)

Definition of BSS000-3

Generators shall be capable of continuously withstanding linear vibration levels with amplitudes 
of 0.25 mm between 5 Hz and velocities of 9.0 mm/s. Between 8 Hz and 200 Hz when measu-
red at any point directly on the carcass or main frame of the machine. These limits refer Only to 
the predominant frequency of v ibration of any complex waveform.

Definition of ISO 8528-9

ISO 8528-9 refers to a broad band of frequencies, the broad band is taken to be between 2 
Hertz and 300 Hertz. The table below is an example from ISO 8528-9 (value 1 ). This simplified 
table lists the vibration limits by kVA range and speed for acceptable genset operation.


Exceeding either o f the above specifications will have a detrimental effect  




on the life of the bearing. This will invalidate the generator warranty. If you  




are in any doubt, contact Newage International limited.

If the vibration levels of the generating set are not within the parameters quoted above.
1. consult the genset builder. The genset builder should address the genset design to reduce 
the vibration levels as much ad possible.
2. Discuss the impact of not meeting the above levels on both bearing and generator life 

Where requested, or deemed necessary, Newage will work with the genset builder in an 
attempt to find a satisfactory solution.


Bearing manufacturers recognize that the "service life" of their bearings is dependent upon 
many factors that are not in their control, they cannot therefore quote a "service life".
Although "service life" cannot be guaranteed, it can be maximized by attention to the genera-
ting set design. An understanding of the genset application will also help the user to maximize 
the service life expectancy of the bearings. Particular attention should be paid to the alignment,
reduction of vibration levels, environmental protection, maintenance and monitoring procedu-

res. We does not quote life expectancy figures for bearings, but suggests practicable replace-
ment intervals based on the L 10 life of the bearing, the grease and the recommendations of
the bearing and grease manufacturers. For general-purpose applications, provid ing the vibra-
tion levels do not exceed the levels stated in ISO8528-9* and BS5000-3* and the ambient 
temperature does not exceed 50°C the following approximations can be applied when * 
(See section on vibration)

Sealed for life Bearings. - Approximately 30,000hours.

Re-greaseable bearings.- Approximately 40,000hours.

This is provided the correct maintenance is carried out, and only Kluber Asonic GHY 72 grease 
(or equivalent) is used in all bearings. It is important to note that bearings in service. Under 
good operating conditions, can continue to run beyond the remembered re placement period. 
It should also be remembered that the r isk of bearing failure increases with time.


Air filters for the removal of airborne particulate matter (dus) are offered as an addition to the 
standard build option. Filters on it's need to be ordered with the generator. Air filters need to 
be charged with oil before the genset is put to work (see 8.3.2) The frequency of fi lter mainte-
nance will depend upon the severity of the site conditions. Regular inspection of the elements 
will be required to establish when cleaning is necessary.


Removal of filter elements enables access to LIVE parts. Only remove elements  



with the generator out of service.


Remove the filter elements from the filter frames. Immerse of flush the element with a suitable 
degreasing agent until the element is cleas.

As an alternative procedure a high-pressure water hose with a flat nozzle can be used. Sweep 
the water spray back and forth across the element from the clean side (fine mesh side of 
element) holding the nozzle firm ly against the element surface. Cold water may be adequate 
depending upon type of contamination although hot water is preferable. 

The element can be inspected for cleanliness by looking through the filter towards the light. 

When the roughly clean, no cloudy areas will be seen. Dry elements thoroughly before attemp-
ting to carry out the recharging procedure.


Charging is best done by totally immersing the dry element into a dip tank containing "Filterko-
te Type k" or commercial lubricating oil SAE 20/50. oils of higher or lower viscosity are not 

Allow elements to completely drain before refitting the elements into the frames and putting 
into service.



Before commencing any faultfinding procedures, examine all wiring for    




broken or loose connections. 

Two types of AVR can be fitted to the WH generator. The Refer to the generator nameplate for 
type of AVR fitted.



The generator windings, diode assembly and AVR can be checked using the appropriate 
following sections.



The resistances quoted apply to a standard winding. For generators




having windings or voltages other than those specified refer to fac- 





tory for details. Ensure all disconnected leads are isolated and free  





Incorrect speed setting will give proportional error in voltage out put.

Checking Generator Windings and Rotating Diodes

This procedure is carried out w ith lead X and XX disconnected at the AVR or transformer 
control rectifier bridge and using a 12 volt d. c. Supply to leads X and XX. 

Start the set and run at rated speed.

Measure the voltages at the main output terminals U, V and W. if voltages are balanced and 
/-10% of the generator nomial voltage, refer to 7 .5.1.1.

Check voltages at AVR terminals 6, 7 and 8. These should be balanced and between 170-250 

If voltages at main terminals are balanced but voltage at 6, 7
and 8 are unbalanced, check continuity of leads 6,7 and 8.

If voltages are unbalanced , refer to 7 .5.1.2. BALANCED MAIN TERMINAL VOLTAGES

If all voltages are balanced within 1 % at the main terminals, it can be assumed that all exciter 
windings, main windings and main rotating diodes are in good order ,and the fault is in the
AVR or transformer control. Refer to subsection 7 .3.2 for test procedure.

If voltages are balanced but low, there is a fault in the main excitation windings or rotating 
diode assembly. proceed as follows to identity:-

Rectifier Diodes

The diodes on the main rectifier assembly can be checked with a multimeter. The flexible leads 
connected to each diode should be disconnected at the terminal end, and the forward and 
reverse resistance checked. A healthy diode will indicate a very high resistance ( infinity) in the 
reverse direction, and a low resistance in the forward direction. A faulty diode will give a full 
deflection reading in both directions with the test meter on the 10,000 ohms scale, or an
infinity reading in both directions. On an electronic digital meter a healthy diode will give a low 

reading in one direction, and a high reading in the other.

Replacement of Faulty Diodes

The rectifier assembly is split into two plates, the positive and negative, and the main rotor is 
connected across these plates. Each plate carries 3 diodes, the negative plate carrying negati-
ve biased diodes and the positive plate carrying positive biased diodes. Care must be taken to
ensure that the correct polarity diodes are fitted to each respective plate. When fitting the 
diodes to the plates they must be tight enough to ensure a good mechanical and electrical 
contact, but should not be over-tightened. The recommended torque tightening is 4.06-4.74 
Nm (36-42Ib in).

Surge suppressor

The surge suppressor is a metal-oxide varistor connected across the two rectifier plates to 
prevent high transient reverse voltages in the fie ld winding from damaging the diodes. This 
device is not polarized and will show a virtually infinite reading in both directions with an ordi-
nary resistance meter. If defective this will be visible by inspection, since it will normally fail to 
short circuit and show signs of disintegration. Replace if faulty.

If after establishing and correcting any fault on the rectifier assembly the output is still low 
when separately excited, then the main rotor, exciter stator and exciter rotor winding resistan-
ces should be checked (see Resistance charts ), as the fault must be in one of these windings. 
The exciter stator resistance is measured across leads X and XX. The exciter rotor is conne.
Main Excitation Windingscted to six studs that also carry the diode lead t erminals. The main 
rotor winding is connected across the two rectifier plates. The respective leads must be
disconnected before taking the readings. UNBALANCED MAIN TERMINAL VOLTAGES

If voltages are unbalanced, this indicates a fault on the main stator winding or main cables to 
the circuit breaker. NOTE: Faults on the stator winding or cables may also cause noticeable 
load increase on t he engine when excitation is applied. Disconnect the main cables and sepa-
rate the winding leads U1-U2,(U5-U6),V1-V2,(V5-V6),W1-W2,(W5-W6) to isolate each winding 
section. Note: -leads suffixed 5 and 6 apply to 12 wire windings only. 

Measure each section resistance values should be balanced and /- 10% fo the value. 

Measure insulation resistance between sections and each section to earth.

Unbalanced or incorrect winding resistances and/or low insulation resistances to earth indica-
te rewinding of the stator will be necessary. Refer to removal and replacement of component 
assemblies' subsection 8.5.3.


CAUTION!  Reference to local electricity regulations or safety rules should be made go  




ensure correct earthing procedures h ave been followed.


It is the responsibility of the end user and his contractors/subcontractors to ensure that the 
overall system protection meets the needs of any inspectorate, local electricity authority of 
safety rules, pertaining to the site and it's location. To enable the system designer to achieve 
the necessary protection and / or discrimination, fault current curves are available on request 
from the factory, together with generator reactance values to enable fault current calculations 
to be made.


Incorrect inst allation and/or protective systems can result in personal injury  




and/or equipment damage. Installers must be qualified to perform electrical  





Ensure that all external cabling is correct and that all of the generating set manufacturer's 
pre-running checks have been carried out before starting the set. 

Generators fitted with air filters should have the filters charged with oil prior to commissioning. 
Refer to Service section for charging procedure (subsection 7.3.2)

The generator AVR controls will have been adjusted during the generating set manufacturer's 
tests and should normally not require further adjustment.

Should malfunction occur during commissioning refer to Service and Maintenance section 
'Fault Finding' procedure (subsection? A)


Generator control accessories may be f itted, as an option, in the generator terminal box. If 
fitted at the time of supply, the wiring diagram(s) in the back of this book shows the connec-
tions. When the options are supplied separately, fitting instructions are provided with the 


A remote voltage adjust(hand trimmer) can be fitted. 

The remote voltage adjustment potentiometer is connected across AVR terminals 1&2. 

These terminals are normally linked.

CAUTION!  Reference to local electricity regulations or safety rules should be made go  




ensure correct earthing procedures h ave been followed.


It is the responsibility of the end user and his contractors/subcontractors to ensure that the 
overall system protection meets the needs of any inspectorate, local electricity authority of 
safety rules, pertaining to the site and it's location. To enable the system designer to achieve 
the necessary protection and / or discrimination, fault current curves are available on request 
from the factory, together with generator reactance values to enable fault current calculations 
to be made.


Incorrect inst allation and/or protective systems can result in personal injury  




and/or equipment damage. Installers must be qualified to perform electrical  





Ensure that all external cabling is correct and that all of the generating set manufacturer's 
pre-running checks have been carried out before starting the set. 

Generators fitted with air filters should have the filters charged with oil prior to commissioning. 
Refer to Service section for charging procedure (subsection 7.3.2)

The generator AVR controls will have been adjusted during the generating set manufacturer's 
tests and should normally not require further adjustment.

Should malfunction occur during commissioning refer to Service and Maintenance section 
'Fault Finding' procedure (subsection? A)


Generator control accessories may be f itted, as an option, in the generator terminal box. If 
fitted at the time of supply, the wiring diagram(s) in the back of this book shows the connec-
tions. When the options are supplied separately, fitting instructions are provided with the 


A remote voltage adjust(hand trimmer) can be fitted. 

The remote voltage adjustment potentiometer is connected across AVR terminals 1&2. 

These terminals are normally linked.

When the remote voltage adjust potentiometer is used the link across terminals 1 & 2 must be 

On SX440 the link 1&2 is on an adjacent terminal block.



Failure to meet conditio ns 1, 2 and 3 when closing the circuit breaker, will  




generate excessive mechan ical a nd el ectrical stresses, resulting in 



Understanding of the following notes on parallel operation is useful before attempting the 
fitting or setting of the droop kit accessory. When operating in parallel with other generators
or the mains, it is essential that the phase sequence of the incoming generator matches that of 
the busbar and also that all of the following conditions are met before the circuit breaker of the 
incoming generator is closed on to the busbar (or operational generator).

1. Frequency must match within close limits.
2. voltages must match within close limits.
3. phase angle of voltages must match within close limits.

A variety of techniques, varying from simple synchronising lamps to fully automatic synchroni-
sers, can be used to ensure these conditions are met. Once connected in parallel a minimum 
instrumentation level per generator of voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter (measuring total power 
per generator), and frequency meter is required in order to adjust the engine and generator 
controls to share KW in relation to engine ratings KVAr in relation to generator ratings.
It is important recognize that:

1. kW are derived from the engine, and speed governor characteristics determine the kW 
sharing between sets and.
2. KVAr are derived from the generator, and excitation control characteristics determine the 
KVAr sharing.

Reference should be made to the generating set manufacturer's instructions for setting the 
governor controls.

7.2.1 DROOP

The most commonly used method of KVAr sharing is to create a generator voltage characteris-
tic that fa lls with a decreasing power factor (increasing KVAr). This is achieved with a current 
transformer (C.T.) that provides a signal dependent on current phase angle (i.e. power factor) to 
the AVR. The current transformer has a burden resistor on the AVR board, and a percentage of 
the burden resistor voltage is summed into the AVR circuit. In creasing droop is obtained by
turning the DROOP control potentiometer clockwise.

The diagrams below indicate the effect of droop in a simple two generator system:

Generally 5% droop at full load current zero power factor is sufficient to ensure KVAr sharing.
If the droop accessory has been supplied with the generator it will have been tested to ensure 
correct polarity and set to a nominal leve of droop. The final level of droop will be set during 
generating set commissioning. Although nominal droop setting may be factory set it is advisa-
ble to go through the setting procedure below. SETTING PROCEDURE

Depending upon available load the fol lowing settings should be used, laa are based on rated 
current level.

0.8 P. F. load (at full load current) set droop to 3% 
Zero P. F. load (at full load current ) set droop to 5% 

Setting the droop with low power factor load is the most accurate.

Run each generator as a single unit at rated frequency or rated fre4% depending 
upon type of governor and nominal voltage. Apply available load to rated current of the

generator. Adj ust 'DROOP' control potentiometer to give droop in line with above table. cloc-
kwise rotation increases amount or droop. Refer to Fig. 5a of 5b for potentiometer locations.

Note 1)
Reverse polarity of the C. T. will raise the generator voltage with load. The polarities S1&S2 
shown on the wiring diagrams are correct for clockwise rotation of the generator looking at the 
drive end. Reversed rotation requires S1&S2 to be reversed.

Note 2)
The most important aspect is to set all generators equal. The precise level of droop is less 

Note 3)
A generator operated as a single unit with a drop circuit set at rated load 0.8 power factor is 
unable to maintain the usual O.S% regulation. A shorting switch can be connected across
S1&S2 to restore regulation for single running.


LOSS OF FUEL to an engine can cause Its generator to motor with conse 




quent damage to the generator windings. Reverse power relays should be  




fitted to trip main circuit breaker.


LOSS OF EXCITATION to the generator can result in large c urrent oscilla  




tions with consequent damage to generator winndings. Excitation loss    




detection equipment should be fitted to trip main circuit breaker. 


When using this connection arrangement a shorting switch is required    




across each C.T. Burden (terminals S1&S2.) The switch must be closed a)  




when a generating set is not running and b) when a generating set is selec 




ted for single running.

Should 'Asiatic' control of the generator be required, request the diagrams from the factory.
The setting procedure is exactly the same as for DROOP. (Subsection


As part of routine maintenance procedures. Periodic attention to winding condition (particularly 
when generators have been idle for a long period ) and bearings is recommended. (Refer to 
subsections 8.1 and 8.2 respectively).

When generators are fitted with air filters regular inspection and filter maintenance is required. 
(Refer to subsection 8.3).



Service and fault finding procedures present hazards that can result in severe    



personal injury or death. Only personnel qualified to perform electrical and me   



chanical service should carry out these procedures. Ensure engine start circuits  



are disabled before commencing service or maintenance procedures. Isolate any  



anti-condensation heater supply.

Guidance or Typical Insulation Resistance [IR]

Values he following is offered as general information about IR values. The aim is to provide 
guidance about the typical IR Values for generator from new through to the point of refurbish-

New machine

The generators Insulation Resistance, along with many Other critical factors, will have been 
measured during the alternator manufacturing process. The generator will have been transpor-
ted with an appropriate packaging suitable for the method of delivery to the Generating Set 
assemblers works, where we expect it to be stored in a suitable location protected from adver-
se conditions.

However, absolute assurance that generator will arrive at the Gen-set production line with IR 
values still at the factory test levels of above 100MΩ cannot be guaranteed. 

At Generating Sat Manufacturers Works The generator should have been transported and 
stored such that it will be de livered to the assembly area in a clean dry condition. If held in 
appropriate storage conditions the generator IR value should typically be 25MΩ If the unused/-
new generator's IR values fall below 10MΩ then a drying out procedure should be implemented 
by one of the processes outlined below before being dispatched to the end customer's site. 
Some investigation should be undertaken into the storage conditions of the generator while on 

Generators in Service

Whilst It is known that a generator will give reliable service with an IR value of just 10MΩ. For a 
relatively new generator to be so low it must have been subjected to inappropriate operating or 
storage conditions.

Any temporary reduction in IR values can be restored to expected values by following one of 
the drying out procedures.


CAUTION!  The AVR should be disconnected and the Resistance Temperature Detec tor


(R.T.D.) leads grounded during this test.

Summary of Contents for DAGFS Series

Page 1: ...Manufactured under license of Daewoo International Corporation Korea www daewoopowerproducts com USER S MANUAL DAGFS SERIES Silent diesel generator Digital panel Brushless synchronous A C Alternators ...


Page 3: ...o Elderly children pets livestock and property Some or all of the following PPE warning signs and symbols may appear throughout this manual and you must adhere to their warning s Failure to do so may result in personal injury Personal Protective Equipment PPE Before operation and maintenance for the generator sets please read carefully about this manual and make sure a good understanding of this o...

Page 4: ... battery and fuel because the mixture of volatilization from fuel and hydrogen generated by battery charging process will cause explosion when it meets sparkle or naked flame The generator set installation room shall be facilitated with BC and ABC fire extinguisher and operators shall be familiar with the knowledge on how to use it When fan protection cover or other protection cover has been detac...

Page 5: ...le for the load Keep all personnel away from the generating set when it is suspended MECHANICAL WARNING Do not attempt to operate the generating set with the safety guards removed While the generating set is run ning do not attempt to reach under or around the guards to do maintenance or for any other reason Keep hands arms long hair loose clothing and jewel ers away from pulleys belts and other m...

Page 6: ...inal disconnected prior to attempting to connect or disconnect load connections Do not attempt to connect or disconnect load connections while standing in water or on wet or soggy ground Make sure connect generator set to earth Replace the generating set terminal box cover as soon as connection or disconnection of the load cables is complete Do not operate the generating set without the cover secu...

Page 7: ...rials cover to avoid rain and dopant in the genset to make sure generator work regularly Silencer Strong thick pipe with heat insulation materials to reduce noise effectively and to avoid excessive temperature 11 in canopy inside Terminal Box Inside Regular internal wire connecting to convenient maintain Digital Control Panel Branded high quality digital control panel rise the reliability and stab...

Page 8: ...E SOUND SUPPRESSOR The high grade rubber shock absorber between diesel engine alternator and frame it reduce the vibration reduce the damage for parts prolong the service life of the unit double screw design more solid and durable and prvent the loose when running and to reduce the vibration noise 3 SUPER QUALITY CANOPY PAINT 2 6 mm thick high quality ATSM standard steel case high temperature baki...

Page 9: ...upply such as hospi tals industrial facilities airports etc Keep the generator set standby state at any time and st art to run when the mains supply is abnormal Emergency service Used as auxiliary power supply to solve energy interruptions that may cause serious problems to people physical and or financial damage or to face consumption peaks The generator set can start in short order to provide st...

Page 10: ...9 2 Connect the battery red wire for anode black wire for cathode ...

Page 11: ...10 3 Press diesel pump to exhaust air until feel pressure 4 Turn on the emergency stop button ...

Page 12: ...11 5 Use the key to turn on the generator keep it running 6 Operating control panel in order STOP Manual Start ...

Page 13: ... more times 7 Connect city power and output wire attention N is null line U V W is firing line Wire socket above ATS use for city power bottom for output wire Firing line connect only with U null line only with N for single phase city power 8 Operating control panel in order Stop Auto set it to auto mode ...

Page 14: ...13 Final step Finish set up the generator and then turn on breaker for auto protection ...

Page 15: ...the engine Check lubricant oil level Check coolant level Check air filter indicator Check the ventilation of radiator and ambient environment Check engine s transmission belt Check fuel supply status Generator sets which run frequently need to be checked one time every 6 to 8 hours Backup generator sets need to be checked once more after being stopped Depends on the new generator set s running sta...

Page 16: ...just valve clearance For each 2000 hours of running or at least 24 months Change air filter depend on ambient air quality decide if this need to be changed earlier Change coolant and coolant filter some generator sets have Thoroughly clean radiator core and water path For each 2400 hours of running Check fuel injector Thoroughly check and clean turbo charger Comprehensively check engine equipment ...

Page 17: ...y charged before being used so that to ensure normal capacitance of the battery Densimeter can be used to check the actual capacitance of the battery Normal operation and battery charging will cause some water inside of the battery being vaporized And therefore constant fluid infusion is needed Before fluid infusion first the conta minant around the adding hole shall be cleaned so that to avoid th...

Page 18: ... 5 KVA 236 g kw h Machinery Governor 4 stroke V In line Water Cool Electric start Cylinder N Bore and Stroke Volume of Oil Combustion Aspiration Type Radiator Water Tank Diesel tank capacity 4 100 x 115 mm 13 L Vortex Design Natural Aspirated 50 C 59 L DETAILS OF ALTERNATOR DETAILS OF ENGINE SILENT TYPE DIESEL GENERATOR SET 17 5 TECHNICAL DATA Alternator Model Type Prime Power Winding Lead ATS Eff...

Page 19: ...r Model Type Prime Power Winding Lead ATS K4100D 3 61 L 30 kW 38 KVA 7 L H on 75 loading Machinery Governor 4 stroke V In line Water Cool Electric start Cylinder N Bore and Stroke Volume of Oil Combustion Aspiration Type Radiator Water Tank Diesel tank capacity 4 100 x 115 mm 13 L Vortex Design Natural Aspirated 50 C 70 L VG 184FS Brushless sel excited 25 12 100 A Efficient A V R Protection Insula...

Page 20: ...or Model Type Prime Power Winding Lead ATS K4102D 3 61 L 36 kW 45 KVA 8 2 L H on 75 loading Machinery Governor 4 stroke V In line Water Cool Electric start Cylinder N Bore and Stroke Volume of Oil Combustion Aspiration Type Radiator Water Tank Diesel tank capacity 4 100 x 115 mm 13 L Vortex Design Natural Aspirated 50 C 72 L VG 184G Brushless sel excited 35 12 100 A Efficient A V R Protection Insu...

Page 21: ...r Model Type Prime Power Winding Lead ATS ZH4105ZD 3 76 L 50 kW 62 5 KVA 11 2 L H on 75 loading Machinery Governor 4 stroke V In line Water Cool Electric start Cylinder N Bore and Stroke Volume of Oil Combustion Aspiration Type Radiator Water Tank Diesel tank capacity 4 100 x 115 mm 13 L Vortex Design Natural Aspirated 50 C 99 L VG 224D Brushless sel excited 50 12 100 A Efficient A V R Protection ...

Page 22: ...ator Model Type Prime Power Winding Lead ATS R4108IZD 4 95 L 75 kW 93 75 KVA 15 L H on 75 loading Machinery Governor 4 stroke V In line Water Cool Electric start Cylinder N Bore and Stroke Volume of Oil Combustion Aspiration Type Radiator Water Tank Diesel tank capacity 4 108 x 125 mm 13 L Vortex Design Natural Aspirated 50 C 130 L 224GS Brushless sel excited 80 12 160 A Efficient A V R Protection...

Page 23: ...ator Model Type Prime Power Winding Lead ATS R6105AZD 7 1 L 84 kW 105 KVA 17 L H on 75 loading Machinery Governor 4 stroke V In line Water Cool Electric start Cylinder N Bore and Stroke Volume of Oil Combustion Aspiration Type Radiator Water Tank Diesel tank capacity 6 105 x 135 mm 13 L Vortex Design Natural Aspirated 50 C 135 L 274 C Brushless sel excited 100 12 160 A Efficient A V R Protection I...

Page 24: ...face after controller started choose 1 See Fig 1 2 Press ID key to enter parameter configuration password confirm interface See Fig 2 When 1234 is put part of the parameters can be set when 0318 is input all the parameters can be set 3 Press e or 8 key to increase or decrease values Press ID key to shift cursor and confirm setting 4 If password is correct enter into parameter interace Press e key ...

Page 25: setting menu 5 If parameter within the range the setting can be saed in internal FLASH of controller If out of range it can A Note Pressing key at any time can exit the editor and return to main menu PARAMETER RANGE AND DEFINITION 24 1 Parameter Selting ...

Page 26: ...25 ...

Page 27: ...26 ...

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Page 30: ...29 ...

Page 31: ...30 7 EXPLODING VIEW AND PARTS LIST applies to all models CYLINDER BLOCK ASSEMBLY ...

Page 32: ...ear housing Bolt M8X25 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 Gasket of gear housing cover Gear housing cover Bolt M10X70 Spring washerφ10 Washerφ10 Front oil seal FB55X85X12 Bolt M8X22 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 Advanced device cover Gasket of advanced device cover Bolt M10X25 Spring washerφ10 Gasket of gear housing Bolt M10X100 Nut M10 Spring washerφ10 Washerφ10 Water sealing ring Bolt M8X25 Spring washerφ8 Was...

Page 33: ...cock Rear cover sealing Rear cover Oil screw ZG3 8 Cylinder block assembly Stud M8X40 Combined seal washer Roof nut M10 Oil dipstick Bolt M8X20 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 Gasket of front cover Front cover 1 Front cover 2 Oil screw ZG1 8 Locating pin B10X25 Plug of camshaft φ55 Gasket of flywheel housing Bolt M8X16 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 Dust proofed shell Flywheel housing Rear oil seal FB100X125X1...


Page 35: ...fold Inlet manifold Gasket of inlet pipe Inlet pipe Stud M8X50 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 Cylinder head assembly Gasket of exhaust manifold Exhaust manifold Bolt M8X25 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 Gasket of exhaust pipe Bolt M8X25 Spring washerφ8 Part of oil added cover Tube for ventilator Hoopφ Cylinder head cover Sealed gasket of cylinder head cover Gasket of side cover Side cover Bolt M8X45 Nut M8 Sp...

Page 36: ...35 2 4 4 NUMBER PART NAME QUANTITY 34 35 36 Host ring Bolt M10X20 Spring washerφ10 ...


Page 38: ... 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Bolt of crankshaft pulley Crankshaft pulley washer Crankshaft pulley Crankshaft pulley Key C10X50 Connecting rod Piston Snap ring 28 Piston rings Piston pin Crankshaft Oil baffle disc Locating pin B10X25 Connecting rod bearing Flywheel Flywheel bolt ...


Page 40: washer Bolt M8X22 Spring washerφ8 Bolt M8X30 Spring washerφ8 Camshaft washer Camshaft gear Thrust plate of camshaft Bolt M8X25 Spring washerφ8 Key C8X22 Camshaft Valve tappet Push rod Rock arm assembly Rock arm bolt Roof nut M8 Combined seal washerφ8 Nut M10 Spring washerφ10 Seat of valve spring Split of valve spring Valve spring outer Valve spring inner Valve oil seal Exhaust valve Inlet valve...

Page 41: ...40 FUEL SUPPLY SYSTEM ...

Page 42: ...t M8X25 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 Bolt M8X25 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 Nut M8 Fuel in joint Bracket for fuel filter Fuel filter Complex pipe for Income and return Fuel pump gear High pressure fuel pipe Injector assembly S529 Fuel pump assembly BH4Q90R9 Transport pipe out fuel pump Transport pipe to fuel filter ...

Page 43: ...42 LUBRICATING SYSTEM ...

Page 44: washerφ8 Washerφ8 Oil filter assembly JX0810 Bolt M8X45 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 Bolt M8X25 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 Oil returned cover for turbo Gasket of oil returned cover for turbo Gasket of oil filter assembly Connected cover for oil filter Gasket of connected cover for oil filter Bolt M8X35 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 Bolt M8X16 Spring washerφ8 Oil pipe Hollow bolt M18X1 5 Bronze washerφ18 B...

Page 45: ...44 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NUMBER PART NAME QUANTITY 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Washerφ8 Oil pump driven gear Oil pump gear Bolt M8X40 Spring washerφ8 Oil pump assembly O ring 24X2 4 Oil strainer ...

Page 46: ...45 COOLING SYSTEM ...

Page 47: ...sherφ12 Bracket of radiator Front foot Bolt M12X25 Spring washerφ12 Nut M14 Bolt M8X35 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 Fan V Belt 1168 Padding block for fan Bolt M8X45 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 Water pump assembly Gasket of water pump Bolt M8X85 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 Water temperature sensor Water Temperature Induction Plug Joint Combined sealed washer Bolt M8X25 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 Thermostat hou...

Page 48: ...47 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 NUMBER PART NAME QUANTITY 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Bolt M8X50 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 Thermostat housing cover Hoopφ26 Connected tube Inlet tube Outlet tube Hoopφ38 ...

Page 49: ...48 ELECTRIC SYSTEM ...

Page 50: ...BER PART NAME QUANTITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Bolt M12X30 Spring washerφ12 Starting motor assembly Generator assembly Bolt M8X30 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 Adjusted bracket of generator assembly Bolt M8X25 Spring washerφ8 Washerφ8 ...

Page 51: ...S ELECTRIC MACHINERY CO LTD are complying the rules of Machinery Directive EN 60204 1 2018 EN ISO 12100 2010 EN ISO 8528 13 2016EN 55012 2007 A1 2009 EN IC 61000 3 2 2019 EN 61000 3 3 2013 A1 2019 EN 55012 2007 A 1 2009 The DAEWOO Products authorized representative declares that these products described under technical data are in compliance with Machinery Directive EN 60204 1 2018 EN ISO 12100 20...

Page 52: ...ings Also the warranty does not cover failure of the automatic voltage regulator due to incorrect operation Failure caused by clogging of the fuel and cooling systems Wearing parts carbon brushes belts rubber seals oil seals shock absorbers springs clutches spark plugs mufflers nozzles pulleys guide rollers cables recoil starter chucks collets removable batteries filters and safety elements grease...


Page 54: ...aintenance Disable closing circuits and or place warning notices on any circuit breakers normally used for connection to the mains or other generators to avoid accidental closure Observe all IMPORTANT CAUTION WARNING AND DANGER notices defined as IMPORTANT Important refers to hazard or unsafe method or practice which can result in product damage or related equipment damage CAUTION Caution refers t...

Page 55: ...he PMG Pilot exciter system and an automatic voltage regulator AVR The MX 341 or the MX 321 can be fitted 2 2 SERIAL NUMBER LOCATION Each generator has ns unique serial number stamped int the upper section of the drive end frame end ring Inside the term inal box two adhesive rectangular labels have been fixed each carrying the generator s unique identity number One label has been fixed to the insi...

Page 56: ensuring close regulation In addition it detects engine speed and provides voltage fall off with speed Below a pre selected speed Hz setting preventing over excitation at low engine speeds and softening The effect of load switching to relieve burden on the engine 4 APPLICATION OF THE GENERATOR The generator is supplied as a component part for installation in a generating set It is not therefore...

Page 57: ...ected dripproof design and are not suitable for mounting outdoors unless adequately protected by the use of canopies Anticondensation heaters are recommended during storage and for standby duty to ensure winding insulation is maintained in good condition When installed in a closed canopy it must be ensured that the ambient temperature of the cooling air to the generator does not exceed that for wh...

Page 58: ...e of windings Dynamic balancing of the generator rotor assembly has been carried out during manufacture in accordance with BS 6861 Part 1 Grade 2 5 to ensure vibration limits of the generator are in accordance with BS 4999 Part 142 The main vibration frequencies produced by the component generator are as follows The standard terminal box is arranged for cable entry on the right hand side looking f...

Page 59: ...0 3 Where ISO 8525 is taken to be broad band measurements and Bs 5000 refers to the predominant frequency of any vibrations on the generating set Definition of BS 5000 3 Generators shall be capable of continuously with standing linear vibration levels with amplitu des of 0 25 mm between 5 Hz and 8Hz and velocities of 9 0mm s rms between 8 Hz and 200 Hz when measured at any point directly on the ca...

Page 60: ... generator can increa se the overall rig idity of the set A flexible coupling designed to Suit the Specific engine gene rator combination is recommended to minimise torsional effects Alignment of single bearing generators is critical and vibration can occur due to the flexing of the flanges between the engine and generator A substantial bedplate with engine generator mounting pads is required The ...

Page 61: ...g lug See sample below Single bearing generators are supplied fitted with a rotor retaining bar at the drive end of the shaft Single bearing generators are also fitted with wooden wedges supporting the fan for transit purposes Once the bar is removed to couple the rotor to engine the rotor is free to move in the frame and care is needed during coupling and alignment to ensure the frame is kept in ...

Page 62: ...uring the aligning and fitting of coupling bolts care should be taken to lock the assembly to ensure there is no possibility Of assembly rotational movement 5 2 1 TWO BEARING GENERATORS A flexible coupling should be fitted and aligned in accordance with the coupling manufacturer s instruction If a close coupling adaptor is used the alignment of machine faces must be checked by offe ring the genera...

Page 63: ...vely the rotor can be suspended by means of a rope sling through the adaptor opening Offer the generator to engine and engage both coupling discs and housing spigots at same time pushing generator towards engine until coupling discs are against flywheel face and housing spigots located 5 Fit housing and coupling bolts taking care to use heavy gauge washers between coupling bolt head and coupling d...

Page 64: ...n clockwise as viewed from the drive end If the generator is to be rotated in the counter clockwise direction it will be necessary to connect the customer output cables accordingly Refer to the factory for reverse rotation wiring diagram 5 4 3 VOLTAGE AND FREQUENCY Check that the voltage and frequency that are required for the generating set application is as indicated on the generator nameplate I...

Page 65: ...s below 90kW LINKA C below 550kW LINK B C 3 Stability selection terminals LINK 2 3 LINK4 5 LINK 6 7 4 Excitation Interruption Link LINK K1 K2 5 5 GENERATOR SET TESTING Warning During testing It may be necessary to remove covers to adjust controls exposing live terminals or components Only personnel qualified to perform electrical service should carry out testing 62 ...

Page 66: ...uld carry out testing and or adjustments Replace all access covers after adjustments are completed On completion of generating set assembly and before starting the generating set ensure that all engine manufacturer s pre running procedures have been completed and that adjustment of the engine governor is such that the generator will not be subjected to speeds in excess of 125 of the rated speed IM...

Page 67: ...esting and or adjustments Refit all access covers after adjustments are completed 5 7 1 AVR ADJUSTMENTS Refer to Fig 5 for control potentiometer locations Having adjusted VOLTS and STABILITY during the initial start up procedure other AVR control functions should not normally need adjustment If instability on load is experienced recheck stability setting Refer to subsection 4 6 If however poor vol...

Page 68: ...sories for control panel mounting supplied with the generator refer to the specific accessory fitting procedures inserted inside the back cover of this book Replace AVR access cover after all adjustments are completed Warning Failure to refit covers can result in personal injury or death 6 INSTALLATION PART 2 6 1 GENERAL The extent of site installation will depend upon the Generating set build e g...

Page 69: ... as detailed in the Service and Maintenance section of this manual 6 3 TORQUE SETTINGS FOR TERMINAL CONNECTIONS Pre treatment Clean plated surfaces with a degreasing agent then lightly abrade them to remove any tarnish Don t score the surface The generator torque settings for all generator connections links CT s accessories cables etc is 45 Nm The customer output cables should be connected to the ...

Page 70: ...l cabling is correct and that all of the generating set manufacturer s pre running checks have been carried out before starting the set Generators fitted with air filters should have the filters charged with oil prior to commissioning Refer to Service section for charging procedure subsection 7 3 2 The generator AVR controls will have been adjusted during the generating set manufacturer s tests an...

Page 71: ...oni sers can be used to ensure these conditions are met Once connected in parallel a minimum instrumentation level per generator of voltmeter ammeter wattmeter measuring total power per generator and frequency meter is required in order to adjust the engine and generator controls to share KW in relation to engine ratings KVAr in relation to generator ratings It is important recognize that 1 kW are...

Page 72: ...sioning Although nominal droop setting may be factory set it is advisa ble to go through the setting procedure below 7 2 1 1 SETTING PROCEDURE Depending upon available load the fol lowing settings should be used laa are based on rated current level 0 8 P F load at full load current set droop to 3 Zero P F load at full load current set droop to 5 Setting the droop with low power factor load is the ...

Page 73: ...windings Reverse power relays should be fitted to trip main circuit breaker IMPORTANT LOSS OF EXCITATION to the generator can result in large c urrent oscilla tions with consequent damage to generator winndings Excitation loss detection equipment should be fitted to trip main circuit breaker IMPORTANT When using this connection arrangement a shorting switch is required across each C T Burden termi...

Page 74: ...ce that generator will arrive at the Gen set production line with IR values still at the factory test levels of above 100MΩ cannot be guaranteed At Generating Sat Manufacturers Works The generator should have been transported and stored such that it will be de livered to the assembly area in a clean dry condition If held in appropriate storage conditions the generator IR value should typically be ...

Page 75: ... S Resistance Temperature Detection devices if fitted Short out the diodes on the rotating diode assembly Be aware of all components connected to the system under test that could cause false readings or be damaged by the test voltage Carry out the insulation test in accordance with the operating instructions for the test equip ment The measured value of insulation resistance for all windings to ea...

Page 76: and electrical safety procedures pertaining to the genset and the site Bolt a short ci rcuit of adequate current carrying capacity across the main terminals of the generator The shorting link should be capable of taking full load current Disconnect the cables from terminals X and XX of the AVR Connect a variable de supply to the X positive and XX negative field cables The de supply must be able...

Page 77: ...nt A the steady state must be greater than 1 0MΩ If the windings are only slightly damp the dotted portion of the curve may not appear For general guidance expect that the typical time to reach point A will be approximately 3 hours for a LV 6 generator Drying should be continued after point A has been reached for at least one hour It should be noted that as winding temperature increases values of ...

Page 78: ...the vibration limits set out im BS 5000 3 and ISO 8528 9 are exceeded bearing life will be reduced Refer to vibration below IMPORTANT Long stationary periods in an environment where the generator is subject to vibration can cause false brinneling which puts flats on the ball and grooves on the races leading to premature failure IMPORTANT Very humid atmospheric or wet conditions can emulsify the gr...

Page 79: ...t Newage International limited If the vibration levels of the generating set are not within the parameters quoted above 1 consult the genset builder The genset builder should address the genset design to reduce the vibration levels as much ad possible 2 Discuss the impact of not meeting the above levels on both bearing and generator life expectancy Where requested or deemed necessary Newage will w...

Page 80: as an addition to the standard build option Filters on it s need to be ordered with the generator Air filters need to be charged with oil before the genset is put to work see 8 3 2 The frequency of fi lter mainte nance will depend upon the severity of the site conditions Regular inspection of the elements will be required to establish when cleaning is necessary Danger Removal of filter element...

Page 81: ...before refitting the elements into the frames and putting into service 8 4 FAULT FINDING IMPORTANT Before commencing any faultfinding procedures examine all wiring for broken or loose connections Two types of AVR can be fitted to the WH generator The Refer to the generator nameplate for type of AVR fitted 8 4 1 MX341 AVR FAULT FINDING 8 5 SEPARATE EXCITATION TEST PROCEDURE The generator windings d...

Page 82: ...tage at 6 7 and 8 are unbalanced check continuity of leads 6 7 and 8 If voltages are unbalanced refer to 7 5 1 2 8 5 1 1 BALANCED MAIN TERMINAL VOLTAGES If all voltages are balanced within 1 at the main terminals it can be assumed that all exciter windings main windings and main rotating diodes are in good order and the fault is in the AVR or transformer control Refer to subsection 7 3 2 for test ...

Page 83: ...rectifier assembly the output is still low when separately excited then the main rotor exciter stator and exciter rotor winding resistan ces should be checked see Resistance charts as the fault must be in one of these windings The exciter stator resistance is measured across leads X and XX The exciter rotor is conne Main Excitation Windingscted to six studs that also carry the diode lead t erminal...

Page 84: ...trol potentiometer fully anti clockwise 8 5 3 REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OFCOMPONENT ASSEMBLIES METRIC THREADS ARE USED THROUGHOUT CAUTION When lifting single bearing generators care is needed to ensure the generator frame is kept in the horizontal plane The rotor is free to move in the frame and can slide out if not correctly lifted Incorrect lifting can cause serious injury to personnel 8 5 3 1 ANT...

Page 85: ...eparation Remove the lubrication pipework if fitted Position the rotor so that the full pole face of the main rotor is at the bottom of the stator bore Remove the end bracket see 7 5 3 4 for procedure NOTES It is not necessary to remove the rotor Ensure that the bearing contact surface shows no sign of wear or corrosion prior to fitting the bearing Never refit used bearings Wave washer or O rings ...

Page 86: ...t all components after cleaning for contamination 3 Place all components on the clean assembly surface Do not use an air line to blow off excess fluid 4 Thoroughly clean the external surface of the grease gun nozzle using lint free cloth Bearing preparation 1 Remove the veering from its packaging 2 Wipe off the preservative oil from the surface of the inner and outer rings using lint free cloth on...

Page 87: ... the bearing seating shoulder 3 Rotate the assembly including inner race 45 C in either direction to provide correct align ment The bearing must be held firmly in place until I s cool enough to positively locate NOTE Ensure cartridge is at ambient temperature before assembling bracket Cap Flinger Apply the specified cap grease fill quantity to the I nside face of the cap see table 16 1 Fill the gr...

Page 88: cloth Bearing preparation 1 Remove the bearing from its packaging 2 Wipe off the preservative oil from the surface of the inner and outer r ings using lint free cloth only 3 Place the bearing on the clean assembly surface with the bearing designation marking facing down Bearing Assembly Cartridge 1 Apply anti fretting lubricant MP 14002 kluber Altemp Q NB 50 to the bearing housing circumference...

Page 89: ...emove the 8 bolts holding the drive and adaptor to the frame 4 With a rope sling around drive end adaptor tap adaptor out of its spigot location guide over fan and remove 5 If the generator is fitted with a cartridge Remove the 4 bolts retaining the end bearing cartridge in the non drive end endbracker outer 4 bolts This includes all regreasable options 6 Remove the 8 bolts securing the non drive ...

Page 90: ...e bearing machines with the exception of Steps 4 and 5 relating to the drive end adaptor For removal of this item proceed as follows 1 Remove the 8 bolts holding drive end adaptor to frame and 4 olts retaining bearing cartridge in drive end bracket outer 4 bolts if fitted 2 With rope sling around the shaft extension supporting the roto weight tap the drive end bracket spigot out of its locating re...

Page 91: ...www daewoopowerproducts com Manufactured under license of Daewoo International Corporation Korea ...
