Our wheels ship out in Scotch Tension. When using your Sparrow in
Scotch tension, the motor will be facing forward and the pinion pulley
will have just enough space between it and the front frame to slip the
rubber drive belt in front of it. Viewing from the side will verify that
the drive belt is parallel to the adjacent front frame.
The tension belt is likely already in place, but humidity changes can
drastically affect the length of the rat tail (aka the tension belt). The
goal is to have the Right Tension Dial (1) adjusted into the middle of its
adjustment range, with no slack in the tension belt and no expansion
Scotch Tension Basics
pulley are properly aligned directly underneath the appropriate whorl,
because it may have shifted a little during shipping.
To do so, check the pinion pulley (the groove that holds your drive
band) on the front of the motor. It should be located directly below
the belt groove on the flyer above. Verify that the drive belt is parallel
to the front frame by observing it from the side. Use your thumbs
to adjust the position of the motor mount as necessary. If the motor
mount feels too tight to move, push one side downward until it pops
off the carbon tube.