Welcome to the Flock!
Thank you for purchasing the smallest Daedalus electric spinning
wheel to date! It was designed to be quiet, long-lived, and to require
little to no maintenance during its lifetime.
Check out all of our YouTube Videos on how to use the Sparrow by
scanning this QR Code with your mobile device.
Package contents may shift
during shipping, so let’s
make sure that everything
is properly aligned for
optimal spinning. (This
is also a wise procedure
after traveling with your
Daedalus wheel.)
The motor mount is
designed to be easily
removed and reinstalled
facing the opposite direction, in order to change tensioning systems
from Scotch to Irish (our wheels all ship out set up in Scotch). Scotch
tension is where the motor drives the flyer and the tension belt
provides resistance to the bobbin, allowing yarn to wind on. In Irish
tension, it’s the opposite: the bobbin is led by the motor. Because
of this feature, you will need to make sure the motor and its pinion
Getting Started