tting HI & LO is displayed on the front panel. Compared to the setting value, measured
value can be displayed on the front panel and contact signal can be output. Make sure that
setting and contact signal of Hh, LI can be output at need.
Data Back-up function
ere is no need to reset the setting value of zero, span, upper limit, and lower limit, etc.,
even in case of power failure or cutting off power supply. Because they are memorized in
Display method and Control function of response rate
get the digital signal rate on the front panel and necessary response rate by use, it
employs two filters: digital filter and analog filter for sensor-input.
Various data output
is manufactured analog voltage output(0-10V) as a standard. For option, there are BCD
output, serial interface(RS-232, RS-485), and 4-20mA analog current output.
2. Standard built-in product
1. Body
2. Operating instructions
3. Power Cable
2-1. Set-up & Precautions
r optimum performance and safety, please read these instructions carefully. Note that
specific product cautions are documented in this operating instructions in detail.
Keep it out of wet places.
Do not set it up near vibration & impulse, high temperature and humidity. Keep it out of the
direct rays of the sun. Set it up where there is less dust, and Keep it out of direct air
including salt and ion.
Do not use when there is inflammable gas or heavy machinery, and smog.
Ground earth-terminal(GN)
Make wire separately from power system wiring and noise wiring.
Always connect to more than 200 load when output in analog.
Do not connect to induced load.