VNE Vacuum Tube Compression Amplifier
The VNE Vacuum Tube Compression Amplifier is designed to provide recording professionals
with a sonically superior signal processing device. It is typically used in sound recording studios
for processing individual tracks. The input and output is at line level.
The VNE is an adaptation of the D.W. Fearn VT-7 stereo tube compressor. The audio path is
entirely Class-A triode vacuum tubes, similar to classic designs but updated with improved
modern passive components and computer-aided circuit optimization. Because of the unique
qualities of vacuum tubes, the VNE has a clarity, transparency, and warmth that solid state
compressors lack. Its modern design and construction allow the VNE to exceed the performance
of vintage vacuum tube compressors.
It is designed for use in the professional recording environment. It accepts a low impedance (600
ohm nominal source impedance) balanced or unbalanced line level (nominal +4dBm) signal.
There are controls for compression threshold, gain, attack and release times. It is built to sound
great for a long time, with top quality parts used throughout.
All five power supplies (filament, B+, and three voltages for the solid-state control circuitry and
meter amp) are solid state and fully regulated.
The VNE is not mass-produced. Each one is hand-made and meticulously tested and listened to
before shipment to the customer.