VNE Vacuum Tube Compression Amplifier
Pulse Width Modulator
This board contains the pulse generation and control circuitry, and the gain reduction element.
The loss through the board is about 20dB with no gain reduction, rising to about 50dB with
maximum gain.
Output Amplifier
First stage
The first stage is a 6072A configured as a Class A voltage amplifier with a gain of approximately
30. Negative feedback from the plate of the second stage reduces distortion, flattens the frequency
response, and makes the gain of the first two stages less dependent on individual vacuum tube
Second stage
The output of the first stage is coupled to the grid of the second stage through a polypropylene
capacitor. This stage operates as a Class A voltage amplifier with a gain of approximately 20.
Output stage
The output stage operates as a cathode follower, followed by an output transformer. The output
impedance is 115 ohms.
Power supplies
Primary power from the AC mains is connected to the VNE through a standard IEC power input
connector. The Power switch energizes all five power supplies. A fuse, accessible on the IEC
input connector, protects the VNE. The power transformer is a toroidal unit custom-made for the
VNE and has primary taps for 115 and 220-240 volt operation. A switch on the rear makes it
quick and easy to go between voltages. Be sure to also change the fuse to the appropriate value.
The power transformer output is rectified by a bridge rectifier and filtered before being regulated
to 12.0 volts by a three-terminal regulator. The negative output of this supply is grounded.