Configuring Static WEP Security on a Client 105
A Wireless Client Settings and RADIUS Server Setup
key to decrypt data it receives from the access point. Different clients can use different keys to
transmit data to the access point. (Or they can all use the same key, but this is less secure
because it means one station can decrypt the data being sent by another.)
If you configured the Unified Access Point to use Static WEP security mode, perform the
following steps:
1. Configure WEP security on each client.
2. Configure the fields in the Associations Tab as described in the following table:
“Open” or “Shared”, depending on how you configured this option on the
access point.
Note: When the Authentication Algorithm on the access point is set to
“Both”, clients set to either Shared or Open can associate with the AP. Clients
configured to use WEP in Shared mode must have a valid WEP key in order to
associate with the AP. Clients configured to use WEP as an Open system can
associate with the AP even without a valid WEP key (but a valid key will be
required to actually view and exchange data). For more information, see
Administrators Guide and Online Help on the access point.
Data Encryption
Network Key
Provide the WEP key you entered on the access point Security settings in the
Transfer Key Index position.
For example, if the Transfer Key Index on the access point is set to “1”, then
for the client Network Key specify the WEP Key you entered as WEP Key 1
on the access point.
Choose WEP as the
Data Encryption mode
Enter a network key that matches
the WEP key on the access point
Choose Open or Shared
in the position set to the transfer
key index (and re-type to confirm)
Optionally set a different transfer
key index to send data from client
Disable auto key option
back to access point.