Entering IP Addresses
Calling a VideoPhone or H.323 Device with an IP Address
If you are unable to Dial another DVC-1100 by using its Phone number, you can
complete a call by entering the IP Address of the VideoPhone you want to call.
This will require obtaining the IP Address for the device you want to call.
To complete a call to another Vi d e o P h o n e o r a n y o t h e r c o m pa t i b l e
H . 3 2 3 - c o m p l i a n t videoconferencing device, ignore the Country code, Area
code and Phone number boxes in the Manual Dial screen. Use the remote
control to move the cursor to the
Enter an IP Address
The VideoPhone or other device you are calling has an IP Address of, you would use the remote control to enter:
Using the DVC-1100 (continued)
and then press the * key to enter a period
and then press the * key to enter a period
and then press the * key to enter a period
Then select the
button to complete this call.
The DVC-1100 supports domain name lookup. This means you can use the
domain name of a website as the IP address, if a VideoPhone is connected
to this website. For example, you can avoid entering an IP address number
and instead use the on-screen keyboard to dial an address such as: