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Tagging Music
Tagging music refers to adding ID3v2 tags to user's MP3 files.
ID3 tags can contain a lot of valuable and personalized
information including song title, artist name, song lyrics and
even album cover art to the song for display while that song
is playing. You can create names for your own custom
genres. When tagging the file, simply enter the name of a
genre if it's not already listed in the drop- down box.
Remember the tag information cannot be saved to the song if
it is playing. MUSICMATCH Jukebox offers a very intuitive and
easy to use tagging feature and all tagging
can be completed simply, in a single screen.
One of the main components of MUSICMATCH Jukebox is the
Player screen. It is the MP3 player portion of the software and
is used primarily in conjunction w ith the Playlists created.
However, the Player also has an integrated CD Player.
One of the main components of MUSICMATCH Jukebox is the
Playlist screen. This screen is where you create Playlists for
playback. You can also save Playlists for future sessions,
and all saved Playlists will be listed in this screen as well.
Saved Playlists will have a file extension of '.mmpl.'
Art View
Tag tracks with album art and view the cover art while the
track is playing.
Track Info
One of the main components of MUSICMATCH Jukebox is the
Track Info screen. The Track Info screen allows you to view
song lyrics, artist bios, etc. while your tracks are playing. The
Track Info screen is interactive in terms of adding information
to song files, via the tagging feature.
AutoDJ is a Playlist- compiling feature unique to MUSICMATCH.
The AutoDJ feature works in conjunction with the tagging
feature and creates automatic Playlists based on your sorting
preferences. Simply define the length of the desired music
program and determine the type of music you want from the
pre- tagged Music Library.
Gracenote (formerly CDDB) is a database comprised of
thousands of artists, album and track titles. Insert an audio CD
into the CD ROM drive and open the recorder screen. If
connected to the Internet, the program will make a connection
with this site and match the serial number of the user's CD
with your records and import all title, artist, and track data into
the Recorder screen. This information will cross over to the
Music Library, as ID3 tags, upon recording completion.