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C:If you are using touch tone dialing on a phone line
that requires pulses, then it may not work. Use
ATDT in place of ATDP.
Q:When your communications software tells the
modem to dial, it does not.
C:Make sure the software dialing prefix is ATDT.
C:Make sure the software and modem are set to the
same COMx: port.
C:The modem may not have hung up the phone line
since the last call.
A:Change to command mode and type ATH then
press Enter.
Q:The modem can connect to some modems, but
not others.
C:The remote modem may not support data
compression or error correction, which might cause
it to take too long to negotiate a link.
A:You might try changing the way the modem
negotiates by using the AT&Qn, ATNn, and
ATS37=n commands. It might be best to start with
Q:When dialing another modem, you receive a
'CONNECT' response, but nothing else.
C:The remote modem may be waiting for you to type
a command. Or try to press Enter for logging on to
the remote site.
Q:The modem speaker does not make any sound
when you're connecting to another modem.
C:The software may have the speaker disabled.
A:Change the setting in your software or use the
ATMn command to turn the speaker on.