DGE-530T Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Card
Thank you for choosing the D-Link DGE-530T, the value leader among Gigabit adapters for PCI
Bus personal computers. This introduction gives a general description of the newer networking
technologies found on the DGE-530T.
The DGE-530T provides the bandwidth capability to support high-end servers and workstations.
With Auto-negotiation, this card can run on three different speeds: 10Mbps at half and full
duplex, 100Mbps at half and full duplex, and 1000Mbps at full duplex. When running at
1000Mbps, it provides a network throughput of 2Gbps in full-duplex mode.
The DGE-530T provides IEEE 802.3x Flow Control Enhancements, which are needed for a
network adapter to function with a switch. In full-duplex mode, the MAC implements the PAUSE
control function. This means when a switch is connected in full-duplex mode and it senses that
its buffer will overflow in the near future, the switch will transmit one standard Ethernet packet
that causes the DGE-530T to pause for a period, thus avoiding internal buffer overflow and
packet loss.
The NIC enables simple, scalable network migration, providing the benefits of Gigabit Ethernet
networking with the familiarity of Ethernet.
System Requirements
Before installing the DGE-530T, check your system for the following minimum configuration
One of the following slot types:
An open PCI bus master slot, 32-bit, operating at 33MHz.
32 MB of System Memory
150 MHz processor, or faster
The latest BIOS for your computer
One of the following types of twisted-pair network cabling:
4 – pair Category 5 or better for 1000Mbps
Category 5 or better for 100Mbps
Category 3, 5 or better for 10Mbps
Designed for versatility and performance, the DGE-530T Network Adapter provides the following:
Operability in 32-bit, 33 MHz slot servers and workstations
Universal Bus support 3.3V
Compliance with IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet standards, IEEE 802.3u Fast
Ethernet standards.
Plug-and-Play installation
Supports Wake-on-LAN