Setup Guide
D-Link Corporation
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Configuring SNMP
You can configure the D-Link SNMP agent to send traps to your SNMP Management
Console to notify you when an adapter fails or is brought back online. The SNMP
agent is automatically loaded if the following conditions are met on initial installation:
TCP/IP is loaded.*
SNMP Services are loaded.*
See your NT Operating System manual for help with configuring TCP/IP and SNMP services.
If the above two conditions were not met when you first installed the software, you
can easily perform an update to install the SNMP Agent.
Configuring SNMP Agent after an Earlier Installation
Step 1
If the load balancing software was installed previously, make sure you now have
both TCP/IP and SNMP services properly installed.
Step 2
Open the Network Control Panel applet and select or highlight the D-Link Transport .
Step 3
Click the Update button in the lower left of the Setup tab.
If you install any protocols or services such as TCP/IP or SNMP, you
must reapply any Service Packs and Hot Fixes.
Step 4
Update your SNMP management console (CA Unicenter, Tivoli TNG, etc.) with the D-
Link MIBs. D-Link’s two MIB files (DLINK.MIB and DLINKARRAY.MIP) are located in
the root directory of your CD or diskette. Please refer to your management consoles
documentation for specific instructions.
SNMP Traps
The load balancing software generates SNMP traps to alert administrators of any
changes in the state of an array.
Adapter Down (Adapter Name and Array Name)
Adapter Up (Adapter Name and Array Name)
Down to one adapter (Array Name)
All adapters in array are down (Array Name)