4 Configuration
DES-1210 Series Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Queuing Mechanism:
Strict Priority:
Denoting a Strict scheduling will set the highest queue to be emptied first while the
other queues will follow the weighted round-robin scheduling scheme
Use the weighted round-robin (WRR) algorithm to handle packets in an even distribution in
priority classes of service.
for the settings to take effect.
From Port / To Port:
Defines the port range which the port packet priorities are defined.
Defines the priority assigned to the port. The priority range is between 0 and 7 with 0 being
assigned to the lowest priority and 7 assigned to the highest.
By selecting the ToS priority, the web pages will changes as seen below:
Figure 4.75 – QoS > ToS Priority Settings
In ToS mode, you can configure the global default priority value by using
From ToS
To ToS
Security > Trusted Host
Use Trusted Host function to manage the switch from a remote station. You can enter up to ten designated
management stations networks by defining the IPv4 Address/Netmask or IPv6 Address/Prefix as seen in the
figure below. The first thing after the function is enable is to add your local host IP address as a trusted host.
Otherwise, you may lose the connection.
Figure 4.76 Security > Trusted Host
Trusted Host:
Specify the Trusted Host to be enabled or disabled. The default is disabled.
To define a management station IP setting, click the
button and type in the IP address and Subnet mask.
Click the
button to save your settings. You may permit only single or a range of IP addresses by
different IP mask setting, the format can be either or Please see
the example below for permitting the IP range.
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Permitted IP