D-Link DAP-3712 User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
When this is enabled and a server IP is also set here,
the log information will be saved to the Syslog
server automatically.
Log Server
The Ping Watchdog sets the DAP-3712 to
continuously ping a user-defined IP address (for
example, the IP address of the AP that the client
is connecting to). If it is unable to ping using
the settings that you entered, the DAP-3712 will
automatically reboot. It is highly recommended
that you enable this feature when using Access
Point / Access Point (WDS) Mode.
Specify the IP address of the target which will be
monitored using ping.
If this feature is enabled in
Client/Client (WDS)
mode, the IP address should be the IP address of
the AP that the client is connecting to.
Specify the time interval (in seconds) that the Ping
Watchdog should wait between ping requests.
Specify the initial time delay (in seconds) before
the first ping request should be sent by the Ping
Specify the number of ping replies to wait for. If the
designated number of ping replies is not received,
the Ping Watchdog will reboot the device.
Ping IP:
Ping Interval:
Startup Delay:
Ping Failure:
If you want to modify the parameters of the Ping Watchdog, please disable
it first and then apply the desired settings. When the web page shows that Ping
Watchdog is disabled, users will be able to re-enable it with modified parameters.