Meaning of parameter DELTA EASE Focus 2:
parameter marks the angle NEEDED to reach the desired angle in our system
View [°]
). This information is useful ONLY when the system is flown from a single POINT.
Imagine a system of 8 units hanging 11 meters high.
The desired angle is:
View [°]
As shown in the image,
Delta [º]
This means that to reach the desired -15 º, we are lacking 0.46º
when the system is flown at the point 15.
If the delta sign is negative (-), this indicates that we are lacking
0.46 downwards.
If the delta sign is positive (+), this means that we are lacking
degrees upwards.
Angle criteria of
Now, we consider the opposite case.
This is the same system hanging from a single point.
8 AERO-40A units.
The desired angle: View [°] -14°
In this case Delta [º] is 0.54
This means that if we hang the system from point 15 we
lack tilt up 0.54º to reach the desired -14º.
Manual de Colgado
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Rigging Manual