Classic PRE
User Instructions
Input names
The default input names are AN1-AN4 (for analogue inputs),
PHONO (for the phono input) and DIG1-DIG4 for the digital
inputs. The name of any input may be changed from the
default to a choice from the name list. Each name may be
used once.
The name list is -
Default name, No Source*, CD, DAB, Cyrus AV**, Tape,
Satellite, Cable, iPod, MP3, DVD, DVD1, Blu-ray, CD 1, CD
2, SACD, CD-R, Linkserver, Jukebox, LaserDisc, Tuner, AV
Direct**, TV, TV 1, AV, Satellite 1, Cable 1, Video, VCR, PVR,
Cassette, DAT, MiniDisc, Games, Games 1, PC, Laptop, Mac,
Special, Keyboard, Aux, Stream X.
The PHONO input is an exception and may only be named
PHONO or removed from the source list (select No Source)
in which case the PHONO name can be re-assigned to
another input. This may be necessary when an external
phono preamplifier is in use.
Before changing the names of the inputs, we recommend
making a list of each input number with your preferred
name from the choices above before setting the names.
Each name may only be used once. When a name is assigned
to an input it will be removed from the list for other inputs.
*Choose ‘No source’ from the list to name inputs which have
no source connected to them. When named ‘No Source’, an
input number will not appear in the input selector sequence.
NOTE:- There are two special function input names marked **.
‘Cyrus AV’ is reserved for the connection of Cyrus surround
sound decoders to one of the analogue Inputs 1-6 and
should only be used for this purpose.
‘AV Direct’ is reserved for the connection of non-Cyrus
surround decoders to an analogue input. This input name
must only be used for this purpose as the volume level will
lock to a very high setting (-6dB) when AV Direct is selected.
Display mode
Input AN2
There are three modes of display
The ‘small input’ setting will
show a three line display with the
volume reading at the top of the
display, the selected input in the
display centre and the current
sample rate/lock status at the
bottom when a digital input is
The ‘large input’ setting will show
a two line display with the volume
reading at the top and a larger
input legend below.
The ‘large volume’ setting will
display large volume characters at
the bottom of the screen with the
bargraph above.
Sample rate 44.1kHz
Input sensitivity offset
It is possible to adjust the relative
sensitivity of individual inputs
by selecting the appropriate
trim option from the menu. This
enables the volume level to be
equalized between system sources
when playing low or high output
source components such as tape
decks or tuners.