CY8CKIT-046 PSoC® 4 L-Series Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. #: 002-03344 Rev. *D
External Crystals
The main board includes a 32.768-kHz (Y1) external crystal for the WCO input and a 17.2032-MHz
(Y2) crystal for the ECO input (marked as 3 and 30 in
). The WCO is used to
provide an accurate low-frequency clock to PSoC 4200L for DeepSleep wake up intervals, WDT
reset intervals, and RTC tick interval. The 17.2032-MHz ECO is used to provide an accurate high-
frequency clock to PSoC 4200L. In addition, the 17.2032-MHz ECO serves as a source to generate
the various I2S clock frequencies required for supporting the standard audio sample rates of 32 kHz,
44.1 kHz, and 48 kHz for audio playback and streaming applications.
CapSense Circuit
The CMOD and CTANK capacitors essential for CapSense functionality are connected on the main
board. PSoC 4200L supports dual-channel capacitive sensing (CSD0 and CSD1 CapSense blocks).
This requires two pairs of CMOD and CTANK capacitors, one pair for each block. The 2.2-nF capac-
itors are present on the CMOD pins, P4[2] for CSD0 and P5[0] for CSD1, for CapSense operation. A
10-nF capacitor is present on the CTANK pin of CSD0 block, P4[3]. The CTANK capacitor of CSD1
block is not populated by default and can be populated if required, on pin P5[1]. The CTANK capaci-
tors help improve the shield (waterproofing) performance. For details on using CapSense, design
guidelines and dual-channel capacitive sensing, refer to
AN85951 - PSoC 4 and PSoC 6 MCU
This kit also supports CapSense designs that enable waterproofing. On this kit, the shield signal is
connected to a GPIO pin (P0[2]) or ground by resistors R74 and R73, respectively. By default, R73 is
populated on the board, which connects the shield signal to ground. Remove R73 and populate R74
when evaluating waterproofing designs, which will connect the shield to the designated pin, P0[2]. To
successfully evaluate waterproof designs, the same should be enabled in the PSoC Creator
CapSense Component and the shield signal should be routed to P0[2]. Note that this shield signal is
connected to the CSD0 block. Hence, it cannot be used with the CSD1 block operation. In the shield
board of the PSoC 4 L-Series Pioneer Kit, only the proximity sensors are routed to the CSD1 block
while all other CapSense elements (radial slider and Gesture Pad) are connected to CSD0.
The shield board also supports shield signal connection to P5[6] through resistor R110. This resistor
should be populated instead of R74 when the shield board is snapped and used as an Arduino
shield and a CapSense shield signal is required. Populating R110 brings the CapSense shield con-
nection to one of the Arduino headers when plugged into a baseboard. For the CY8CKIT-046
PSoC 4 L-Series Pioneer Kit, the shield signal will be connected to P0[3], when the snapped shield
board is connected to CY8CKIT-046 Arduino headers.
ADC sample rate left/right clock input to codec
DAC sample rate left/right clock input to codec
Digital audio bit clock input to codec
Master clock input to codec
Table A-1. PSoC 4200L and Audio Codec Connections
PSoC 4200L