CY8CKIT-043 PSoC® 4 M-Series Prototyping Kit Guide, Doc. #: 001-97606 Rev. **
Kit Operation
User LED: The onboard LED can be used to display outputs from the PSoC 4200M device. This
includes modulating the brightness of the LED to notify different states of the device.
Push Button (SW): The push button can be used to provide input to the PSoC 4200M device.
The switch connects the PSoC 4200M pin to ground when pressed. Therefore, you need to
configure the PSoC 4200M pin as resistive pull-up for detecting the switch press.
Reset Button: This button is used for the following purposes:
Reset the PSoC 4200M device: When pressed, it connects the XRES line of the PSoC 4200M
to ground and resets the PSoC 4200M device.
Bootload the KitProg: When pressed while connecting the kit’s PCB USB connector to the
USB port of the PC, the KitProg enters bootloader mode. For more details on the KitProg
functionality, refer to the
When the two boards are separated, the user can mount the SW2 button on the target board
to reset the PSoC 4200M device using a switch.
EZ-BLE: It is a fully integrated, 10×10×1.8 mm, fully certified, programmable BLE module
designed for ease-of-use and reduced time-to-market. You can use the EZ-BLE module to add
BLE capabilities to the board. The board only includes a footprint for the module. Refer to
Section 4.2.7 EZ-BLE PRoC Module on page 30
for details.
DPDT switch: This switch is used to select the KitProg's SWD target (PSoC 4200M or EZ-BLE).
By default, this switch is not populated on-board and the PSoC 4200M SWD lines are hard-wried
to the KitProg's SWD programming lines.
10-pin program/debug header: This header provides support for program/debug via the
MiniProg3's 10-pin program/debug header. This header is not populated by default as the pro-
gram/debug functionality is already provided by the on-board KitProg.
The KitProg is a multi-functional system, which includes a programmer, debugger, USB-I
C bridge,
and a USB-UART bridge. The Cypress PSoC 5LP device is used to implement the KitProg
functionality. The KitProg is integrated in most PSoC development kits. For more details on the
KitProg functionality, refer to the
available on the kit web page or in the following
<Install_Directory>\CY8CKIT-043 PSoC 4 M-Series Prototyping Kit\
. This is also accessible from inside
PSoC Creator by clicking on the kit name on the
page (left pane) and then selecting
Guide for KitProg
from the list of available documents (right pane).
Programming and Debugging the PSoC 4 Target Device
The target PSoC 4 device can be programmed and debugged using the built-in KitProg. Before
programming the device, ensure that PSoC Creator and PSoC Programmer are installed on your
computer. See
for more information.
Programming Using PSoC Creator
1. Connect the kit to the computer through the PCB USB connector, J6, as shown in
. The
kit will enumerate as a composite device when you plug in the PSoC 4 M-Series Prototyping kit to
your computer for the first time. The kit drivers should be automatically installed.