Cypher Technology Ltd V2.6 (03) December 2011
Make Encrypted Copy
This is an optional feature. It is used to make an AES 256 encrypted and password
protected copy of the files on the flash card. PUMA will automatically generate a
pseudo-random high security 14 character password. It is highly recommended that
this be used for security reasons. Alternatively a password may be entered using the
cursor keys. The [<],[>] keys select the character and the [up],[down] keys select the
character. Press the {Use} softkey when the correct password is shown AND it has
been noted down.
To Decrypt Files on the Encrypted Disk
A Decrypter program is copied automatically to the encrypted disk. To access the
encrypted files, insert the disk into a Windows XP or later PC. The encrypted files can
be seen in the “Files” folder. These files can be copied in the normal way but cannot be
accessed until decrypted.
To decrypt, double click on the Decrypter icon in the top-level of the CD or DVD. Select
the file or files to be decrypted using the Decrypter browser. When the selection is
complete, click the Decrypt button. You will be prompted for the password and then to
select a destination folder into which to copy the decrypted files. If the password is
correct the files will be decrypted.
Make Master Copy
This function will create a Master disk copy. This will transfer all evidential data from the
flash card to a BD
, DVD or CD. It will include files, deleted files and file metadata.
The type of Master (Compact or Full Master) is configured under “Set Disk Types” in the
Menu and the setting is retained through power down.
Make HD Master
This is an optional feature. This function creates a Master copy of a large hard disk on a
second, empty hard drive. It is designed for use with certain proprietary data storage
All files are copied along with a log file that contains the MD5 hash codes of all the files
so that the transferred material can be verified for added protection. It does not scan
unused areas of the drive and therefore should normally only be used with these
proprietary data schemes that include their own detection of missing or deleted data.
Please ask Cypher Technology for suitable applications.
The HD Master can also be used where it is impractical to create a standard PUMA
Master and where, therefore, this could be regarded as “best practice”
First connect the empty backup drive to one of the USB ports on PUMA (in the top level
of the Menu). The display should show the size of the disk and 0 files. If it shows any
files or says “No file system” then the drive should be formatted using the Menu “Format
card” option. After the format, exit the Menu and check that the display is now showing
0 files.
Then press {Menu} and scroll down to “Make HD Master”. Connect the source evidential
drive and press and {Go}. The destination drive is automatically chosen as the empty