Manual of ALT382
1. <The main screen>
At switching on the printer, it will show <The main screen> as Photo2.
Photo 2
<The main screen> contains the following zones:
Zone of display printing content (the blank space showed in photo 2)
The counter of printer (NO 1 and No 2 showed in photo 2)
Filename of current printing content (Text showed in photo 2)
System date/time (2011-9-24 showed in photo)
The number of print head
The switch of modes
Zone of display printing content
is located in the middle part of screen.
128 dots height *20000 dots width with graduated scale.
The content shows here is what will be printed out.
The counter of printer
is located in the bottom part of the screen. It can count the printing number
of times. It is kept at correct deenergizing the printer.
Filename of current printing content
is in a left bottom corner of the screen.
System date/time
is in a middle bottom corner of the screen. Shows the current system time/date.
The number of print head
is in a right bottom corner of the screen. It shows the current chosen
printhead. If in multi-head system, it can also shows No.2 No.3
The switch of modes
is located in the top part of the screen and contains 5 buttons.
<System> - The basic management in printer
<Param> - Management in parameters of current printing content;
<Print> - Carry on printing task
<Browse> - select the saved printing files
<Edit> - Edit printing content