The Manual of CYCJET Ink-jet Printer
- If the keypad misalignment, click CALIBRATION for adjustment.
click the botton<Calibrate> to open screen as photo8
Use nib to click the cross center shows in photo10. when target moving above the screen, please
repeat it. After the first click, the latest calibration will be settled. If the second click is correct, please
back to system window and click OK to finish.
If the two times calibration are differen, it means failed. Please click again for a new calibration.
- see photo3. By setting the parameter of Idle Jet Gap (interval of time) and IdleJet Column,
the printer will spray out ink automatically at regualr intervals
Perform Idlejet when using solvent-base inks(non-porous ink).
It can prevents from illegible printing result caused by dry-ink of printhead after printer long time no
The IdleJet interval and IdleJet lines are depend on ink types, temperature, humidity and the speed of
air flow. In normal situation, the suggested IdleJet interval is 10 seconds and the IdleJet lines shall be
in 10.
When using oil base ink, it is unnecssary to perform IdleJet, however, in dusty enviroment, perform
idlejet could protect printhead.
When start IdleJet Printing, please keep sensor in non-reaction status.
Counter Continue
- see photo3.
When printing serial number, it can be changed along with printing times. No matter switch off or
inter-print other documents, the serial number is continuing.