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4 - Preventive Maintenance
Cybex Arc Trainer 610A Owner’s Manual
All warnings and cautions listed in this chapter are as follows:
! WARNING: All maintenance activities shall be performed by qualified personnel. Failure to do
so could result in serious injury.
! WARNING: To prevent electrical shock, be sure that the power is shut off and the unit is
unplugged from the electrical outlet before performing any cleaning or
maintenance procedures.
! WARNING: Keep wet items away from inside parts of the unit. Electrical shock could occur
even if the unit is unplugged. Do not touch components on the lower board. A
charge can remain after unplugging the power cord and turning off the unit.
! WARNING: Disconnect the power cord before beginning this procedure. Keep wet items away
from inside parts of the unit. Electrical shock could occur even if the unit is
! WARNING: The flywheel may be hot. Wait until it cools before servicing.
Regular Maintenance Activities
! WARNING: All maintenance activities shall be performed by qualified personnel. Failure to do
so could result in serious injury.
Preventive maintenance activities must be performed to maintain normal operation of your unit. keeping
a log of all maintenance actions will assist you in staying current with all preventive maintenance
activities. See Service Schedule located at the end of this chapter.
Worn or damaged components shall be replaced immediately or the unit removed from service
until the repair is made.
Cybex is not responsible for performing regular inspection and maintenance actions for your
unit. Instruct all personnel in equipment inspection and maintenance actions and also in
accident reporting/recording.