Sequence of Events Recorder
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“/events?record=8092&count=100” – this command uses parameters for record
and count, where “?” precedes the first event record number, and “&” precedes the
count parameter.
Each Event log record contains the registers for:
1) Event record description.
2) Number of seconds.
3) Last sequence number.
4) Bit mask of coincident input status.
For the example, the first register’s value is “0814-0141-38E4-4085-
1F9D-0000-0000-0000”. This is the event record for event 8092. The event record is
eight 16-bit hex values (registers 1-8), separated by the dash symbol. To parse the
event record, split the result into an array, separated by the “-“(dash) symbol.
1) “0814” hex value is the event description part 1 (reg 1).
2) “0141” hex value is the event description part 2 (reg 2).
3) “38E4” (reg 3) and “4085” (reg 4) hex value is the number of seconds since
Jan 1, 1984 in local time. (LSW, MSW), where “38E4” (reg 3) = low word
(little-endian—LSW first).
4) “1F9D” (reg 5) and “0000” (reg 6) hex value is the sequence number of the
event record (LSW, MSW), where “1F9D” (reg 5) = low word (little-endian—
LSW first).
5) “0000” (reg 7) and “0000” (reg 8) hex value are the coincidence inputs (MSW,
LSW), where “0000” (reg 7) = high word (big-endian—MSW first).
*Please see Page 21, Table 3-2 – Event Log Registers for format.