Sequence of Events Recorder
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Example: To clear the event log using the command interface:
1. Write value of 1 to parameter register 408002.
2. Write command code 4210 (0x1072) to command register 408001.
3. The SER clears the event log, records an “Event Log Cleared” event (code 10).
Note: The command interface registers can be written in one step using FC16
(multiple register write) or two steps using FC06 (single register write). If command is
done in two steps, it must be done in the order shown above.
Command Interface Example 1: Clear
Event Log
Example 2: To initiate auto-test using the command interface:
1. Write value of 24 to parameter register 408002.
2. Write command code 21930 (0x55AA) to command register 408001.
3. The SER enters test mode and generates “Test Status Change” events (code 27),
off-to-on and on-to-off, for each input at 1 ms intervals, as well as test mode
on/off events (codes 24 and 25).
4. Repeat process to initiate another test, if desired.
Command Interface Example 2: Initiate
Auto Test