Head Office
– 101 Street
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 0A5
Office: (780) 437-3055
Fax: (780) 436-5461
Website: www.cvs-controls.com E-Mail: [email protected]
Calgary Sales Office
3516 114 Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2Z 3V6
Office: (403) 250-1416
Fax: (403) 291-9487
CVS Controls Ltd. strives for the highest levels of quality and accuracy. The information included in this publication is presented for
informational purposes only. CVS Controls Ltd. reserves the right to modify or change, and improve design, process, and
specifications without written notice. Under no circumstance is the information contained to be interpreted to be a
guarantee/warranty with regard to our products or services, applicability or use.
Selection, use and maintenance are the sole responsibility of the end user and purchaser. CVS Controls assumes no liability for the
selection use and maintenance of any product.
April 2019