Created November 2021
Precast Concrete Footings
The precast concrete footings will be fabricated in forms and installed the same as if placed in
an augured or punched hole.
Post Placement
S4(29) posts can be driven, placed in a driven sleeve, placed in a sleeve in a concrete
footing (poured or precast), or mounted to a concrete surface.
Driven Posts
Complete the following steps for a driven post assembly.
1. Lay out the post alignment and post spacing according to contract specifications and drive
the post (PN-33956G) with an appropriate driving head equipment.
2. The height from the finished grade to the top of the post is approximately 2’-8 1/4”
Posts in Sleeve
Complete the following steps for a post in the sleeve assembly
1. Place the post sleeve cover (PN-5823B) on the bottom end of the CASS
S4(29) post (PN
2. Place the post in the sleeve so it rests on the first tab in the sleeve or bottom of the sleeve
and the sleeve cover is located at the top of the sleeve.
The height from the finished grade to the top of the post is approximately 2’-8 1/4” [0.819m].
Base Plated Post
For Base Plated Post Assembly, see Appendix D.
S4(29)Cable End Treatments
S4(29) is terminated with either a CCT or a CCA.
The CCT consists of three (3) CRP (Bottom CRP and Top CRP Post) and six (6) S3 x 5.7# [S75
x 8] terminal line posts. The cables are terminated at the CRP, one at each post. The terminal
line posts are placed with sleeve in a concrete footing, a sleeve with a soil plate, or a driven post
with a soil plate.
See Figure 1 for the footing locations and spacing.