VLC-4 rev.02
Light Program Settings
1. Select the following menu items:
» Select the desired light program
» 1. Settings
The following parameters can be accessed by all user
but they can only be modifi ed by the installer (s. 5.2).
Program X Settings
Lights on 24h? Yes
Std Intensity 80
Use spikes? Yes
Peak Cycle 0:15
Peak Duration 1
Peak Intensity 100
Peak Sunrise 2
Peak Sunset 2
2. Set the following parameters
(Refer to
the sec. 6.1 to get further information on these
Day —
This is the day at which the selected
program starts. It ranges from -5 to 450 days.
Negative day numbers represent the number
of days left before the animals arrive in the
When a light program starts, the con-
troller disables the previous program and makes a
gradual transition between the light intensity of the
program that ended and the new program.
Lights on 24 Hours —
to use the
24-hour light program or select
to en-
able the light cycles. *
Enabling this function will
disable light cycles on the selected light program.
Standard Intensity —
This is the standard
light intensity when the lights 24H light op-
tion is used. It ranges from 0 (Off) to 100%.
This parameters is accessible if the 24-hour light
programs are enabled above. If light cycles are used,
the standard intensity must be set separately for each
cycle (see next section).
Minimum Intensity —
This value represents
the light intensity at the end of a cycle. It
ranges from 0 (Off) to 100%. *
This parameters
is accessible if the light cycles are used (i.e., the 24-
hour light programs are disabled above).
Sunrise —
When a cycle starts, the light inten-
sity increases from the minimum towards the
standard intensity over this period of time. The
sunrise delay ranges from
to 60 min. *
This pa-
rameters is accessible if the light cycles are used (i.e.,
the 24-hour light programs are disabled above).
Sunset —
When the stop time of a cycle
is reached, the light intensity gradually
decreases from its standard intensity to
its minimum intensity over this period of
time. The sunset delay ranges from
to 60
This parameters is accessible if the light
cycles are used (i.e., the 24-hour light programs are
disabled above).
Number of Cycles —
Set the number of light
cycles of the selected light program. This
parameter ranges from 1 to 6 cycles.*
This pa-
rameters is accessible if the light cycles are used (i.e.,
the 24-hour light programs are disabled above).
Program X Settings
Lights on 24h? No
Min Intensity 20
Sunrise 2
Sunset 2
Nb of cycles
VLC-4 rev.02
Light Cycle Settings
The following parameters must be set sepa-
rately for every light cycle.
1. Select the following menu items:
» Select the desired light program
» Select the desired light cycle
The "Lights on 24h" option must be disabled on the
selected program in order to access the light cycle
menu (s. 6.2).
The following parameters can be accessed by all user
but they can only be modifi ed by the installer (s. 5.2).
Prog.1 cycle 1
Start time
Stop time
Std Intensity 80
Use spikes? Yes
Peak Cycle 0:15
Peak Duration 1
Peak Intensity 100
Peak Sunrise 2
Peak Sunset 2
2. Set the following parameters (
(Refer to the sec.
6.1 to get further information on these parameters):
Start Time —
This is the time at which the
selected light cycle starts. Make sure the
cycles do not overlap each other.
Stop Time —
This is the time at which the
light intensity starts decreasing (the sunset
Standard Intensity —
This is the regular light
intensity of the cycle. It ranges from 0 to
100% and must be higher than the minimum
Light Peak Settings
• Peaks on 24-hour programs
1. Select the following amenu items:
» Select the desired light program
» 1. Settings.
Program X Settings
Lights on 24h? Yes
Std Intensity 80
Use spikes? Yes
Peak Cycle 0:15
Peak Duration 1
Peak Intensity 100
Peak Sunrise 2
Peak Sunset 2
• Peaks during Light Cycles
1. Select the following menu items:
» Select the desired light program
» Select the desired light cycle
The following parameters must be set
separately for every light cycle.
Prog.1 cycle 1
Start time
Stop time
Std Intensity 80
Use spikes? Yes
Peak Cycle 0:15
Peak Duration 1
Peak Intensity 100
Peak Sunrise 2
Peak Sunset 2
2. Set the following parameters:
Use Spikes ? —
to use light peaks
in the selected program.