Culligan® High Efficiency 1.5 Water Filter
Cat. No. 01024514
Example 2
In Example 1 the chemical dosage is 0.0007 gallons dosed per gallon. If the customer’s actual need was to receive, for
example, 0.00035 gallons dosed per gallons of service flow, there are two ways to meet that need.
One option is to have the HE Controller wait for 14 meter pulses, instead of just 7, before commanding a stroke.
The alternative is to keep dosing every 7 meter pulses, but adjust the stroke percentage knob on the diaphragm
pump down from 100% to 50%.
Both methods will work, but the second method is preferred because the chemical dosage will be smoother instead of
having “slugs” of untreated water, followed by “slugs” of chemical.
Example 3
As a final example for the Type 1 pump, assume a system with:
Peak flow rate of 70 gpm
k-factor of 15.2 counts/gallon
A 15 gpd chemical feeder with a max stroke rate of 125 strokes/minute.
At the max flow rate, there will be 70*15.2/60 = 17.7 meter pulses per second. To keep the pump running at 100%, the di-
aphragm pump still needs to stroke once every 0.48 seconds, so the Controller should count 17.7*0.48 = 8.5, or it should
command a stroke every 9 meter pulses.
The Aux 5 setting should be 9 pulses
The Aux 5 Out Active setting should be 0.2 seconds
HE Automatic Bypass
The HE Automatic Bypass feature has been enhanced so the HE 1.5” control can automatically go into the bypass posi-
tion either a) when it receives a signal from external source (i.e. irrigation system) or b) at a pre-programmed time each
This feature is included in firmware version 2.1.6 (FWV 2.1.6) or later. HE’s with an earlier firmware version can easily be
upgraded using the GBE Updater (P/N 01023534).
Two programming options are available depending if dry contacts are available from an external source (i.e. irrigation
Option 1 – Dry contacts available from External Source
Option 2 - No dry contacts from External Source (bypass at a pre-programmed time each day)
NOTE This feature is only available on HE single units (not available on HE 1.5” multi-tank units like Progres-
sive Flow and Unbalanced Progressive Flow)