01040707 B 07/21
Smart HE Iron-Cleer Filters are designed for iron and hydrogen sulfide removal� The two-tank Iron-Cleer system
utilizes the process of aeration and oxidation followed by filtration with a catalytic filter media� The aeration process
is initiated in the first tank by an integrated air compressor and shuttle valve that maintains and balances an airhead
within the aeration tank� Water entering the aeration tank contacts air and starts the oxidation process� Iron begins
to convert to the ferric form and hydrogen sulfide coverts to sulfate and/or a filterable particle� Water exiting the
aeration tank enters the filter tank where it contacts the Birm catalytic filter media to complete the oxidation and
filtration process� An additional layer of Culligan G-50 filter media below the Birm offers additional filtration for
smaller particles of oxidized iron and hydrogen sulfide�
Iron-Cleer filters only require automatic reconditioning cycles to maintain effectiveness� The Iron-Cleer media can
last for several years in most applications before requiring replacement by your local Culligan dealer�
Smart HE Sulfur-Cleer Filters are designed for hydrogen sulfide and iron removal� The single-tank Sulfur-Cleer system
utilizes the process of aeration and oxidation combined with catalytic activated carbon filtration� The aeration process is
initiated in the filter tank by an integrated air compressor and shuttle valve that maintains and balances an airhead within
the tank� Water entering the tank contacts air and starts the oxidation process� Hydrogen Sulfide and iron begin to oxidize
to sulfate and/or a filterable particle� Water flows through the filter tank where it contacts the CIM catalytic activated carbon
media to complete the oxidation and filtration process�
In some hydrogen sulfide applications, odors can develop within the system and an optional chlorine draw cycle can be
utilized during the automatic reconditioning cycle to periodically sanitize the media bed if necessary� Culligan CIM media
can last for several years before requiring replacement by your local Culligan dealer�
Arsenic Reduction Filter
Smart HE Arsenic Reduction Filters with Cull-AsX53 filter media are designed to reduce total arsenic levels up to 100
ppb on waters with a pH level ranging from 6�5 to 8�5� The system is certified to NSF Standard 53 for the reduction
of Type III (trivalent) and Type V (pentavalent) arsenic valence states� The system utilizes Cull-AsX53 filter media, a
high-capacity granular ferric oxide adsorptive media specifically designed to reduce arsenic� The system only requires
automatic reconditioning cycles to maintain effectiveness� Periodic testing of the treated water for arsenic is necessary to
determine when the Cull-AsX53 filter media has reached it usable capacity for arsenic reduction�
When the media life is exhausted the filter media will require replacement by your local Culligan dealer to restore the
systems capability to effectively reduce arsenic� Your local Culligan dealer offers water testing services and programs to
monitor water quality to ensure your system is performing properly�