Last CAL Date
The last cal date shows the date and time
at which the system was last calibrated.
When six months has transpired from
the last cal date, a Cal Due flag will
appear indicating the sensors need to be
calibrated., Holding the 6 key, and then
pressing the 7 key will reset the Cal Date,
once the sensors are calibrated.
The Configuration menu is password
protected to prevent unauthorized
personnel from making programming
changes to the system. Enter the
password (last 4 digits of CTI toll-free
phone number) with the alphanumeric
Enter number 1 or 2 to configure that
channel (repeat same steps for both
State: Allows for turning on or off a
channel. For example, if a sensor is
removed from the system, that channel
should be changed to NOT ACTIVE.
To change this programming field, press
ENTER to highlight the field.
Use up or down arrows to select item.
Press ENTER to select item.
Range: Allows adjustment of sensor zero
and full scale range. (use alphanumeric keys
to enter values)
Unit/Gas: Use these fields to change the unit
of measurement and gas type.
Warning Setpoint: Use this field to change
the default warning setpoint
Direction: Use this field to change the
default direction setting. For example,
oxygen level monitoring may require
downscale alarming.