Sound engineering design, top quality materials, skilled craftsmanship and years of experience in
the design of centrifugal dryers have been incorporated in the manufacture of your CSI
Centrifuge. With the exception of the load members, which are subjected to the expected wear
from the product being processed, the structural and mechanical features of the CSI Centrifuge
are designed for a long productive life. We sincerely believe its performance and durability will
confirm your judgment in selecting this CSI Centrifuge.
The life and service of any processing equipment can be greatly enhanced with proper
maintenance and installation. To be assured of the ultimate service from your centrifuge, care
should be taken to follow the CSI recommended service procedures.
The information contained in this manual has been prepared to assist you in the proper
installation, operation and maintenance of your centrifuge. If additional information is required,
it may be readily obtained upon request from the home office of CSI, or our representatives and
field service engineers, which are located throughout the country.
CSI field service engineers are available to assist you with any operating problem you might
have. Please arrange to notify CSI approximately three weeks before initial start-up is
anticipated. A fee schedule for technical support and training is available upon request.
A copy of the CSI service policy and warranty is included in this manual. Should there be any
questions, perhaps the enclosed policies will be of assistance.