Flites are critical to the proper machine performance. Therefore, it is important to always maintain
flite to screen clearance, flite degree contour and flite surface condition. Standard CSI flites are
chromed and built to exact size and sold by sets of 8.
Optimum flite-screen clearance is .015". This clearance has been found to be the best for most
applications; however, some materials may require different clearances. Excessive clearance may
reduce screen life, increase degradation, increase solids in effluent and increase product moisture.
It is very important to inspect the condition of the rotor at every screen change. This is necessary as
the rotor is the connecting member between the external drive shaft and the basket, and is one of the
members which is subjected to normal abrasive wear by the product.
The shape of the rotor, the surface treatment of the wearing surfaces and the application of the rotor is
designed to keep wear to a minimum. The inherent wear, which does exist, can be most economically
handled if regular inspections are made and the necessary repair work accomplished before the rotor
is worn to a point where physical damage is done to the part.
A severely worn rotor will cause unnecessary wear and breakage to other parts of the machine; hence,
we at CSI feel it a necessity and our responsibility to supply our customers with new rotors at a
minimum of delay, and of course, expense.
This is the area inside the main base from the bottom of the rotor to the bottom of the machine base.
An inspection should be made of the chamber daily to assure there is no build up of discharged
product. If the discharged product is permitted to build up, danger of excessive drag on moving parts
exists. This could cause serious overload to the machine as well as needless wear on the rotor.
With proper care, belts are normally long lived. Because the belts are mounted on vertical sheaves,
particular care should be taken to always keep good belt tension. However, should it become
necessary to change the belts, follow the disassembly instructions. It is not necessary to remove the
wear parts.