27 Bank Street Meadowbank NSW 2114 Australia
Tel: +61 2 9809 0588 Fax: +61 2 9809 2446 email: [email protected]
iKey Interface
iKey Interface
Installation Guide
The CS Technologies iKey Interface is a small, low-cost
interface between the CS Technologies ‘iKey’ and a wide
range of security equipment. It produces either ‘Wiegand’,
‘Clock and Data’ or ‘RS232’ output.
Inside each iKey is an encrypted site code and card number,
together with a reader ID. Each iKey is guaranteed to be
unique world-wide, ensuring extremely high security.
The iKey Interface verifies the validity of the key which is
being presented to the reader, and if it is a valid key for that
site (i.e. has a valid reader ID) transmits a Site Code and Card
Number as either
a standard 26-bit Wiegand string (8-bit site code plus 16-
bit card number, or
a 10-digit BCD-format ABA-encoded clock and data
string (track 2 magstripe format) (5 digit site code, 5 digit
card number), or
a 10-digit RS232 string terminated with a carriage
return/line feed at 9600 baud (5 digit site code, 5 digit
card number)
The Interface can be used to interface to any access control,
alarm or RS232 host system which supports industry-standard
data formats. This is achieved in conjunction with complete
security because of the unique reader ID which provides an
additional layer of security.
With the Interface the durability, long-life, low cost and
convenience of the iKey and its stainless steel reader can be
linked with any other suitable security system, without
compromising security in any way.
Dedicated single-purpose controller; no programming
Easy installation
On-board links select either wiegand, clock-and-data or
RS232 output
The interface has an internal ID number which must
match that in all keys presented to it for them to be
recognised. Once this ID is validated then the sitecode
and card number within the key is sent to the host. In this
way the relatively low-security Wiegand format is
transformed to an extremely high security, encrypted and
traceable format.
Requires iKeys programmed in CS Technologies format.
Operates from 12VDC or 5VDC supplied by security
panel; no additional power supply required
Allows the durable iKey and reader to be used with other
security panels or serial hosts in standard format.
Extremely reliable operation
100% Australian made and designed
Power supply
12VDC or 5VDC
Current Consumption
50mA max (interface only)
Temperature range
C to 70
Humidity range
0 to 95% relative noncondensing
Dimensions Box:
Board: 80x60x28mm
Shipping weight
High impact ABS plastic box
with bulkhead mounting lugs
Reader interface
Silicon Key (one-wire) interface
The encoded sitecode
and card number are
transmitted from the
interface only if the key
is valid for that reader,
verified by an encoded
unique ID.
Standard 26-bit Wiegand
format (LK5 link on). Start
bit, 8 bit sitecode, 16-bit card
number, stop bit
Mag-stripe (ABA) format
(LK5 link off). Start sentinel,
5 digit site code, 5 digit card
number, end sentinel.
RS232 format (JP3 link on). 5
digit site code, 5 digit card
number, 9600 baud, no
handshaking, CR/LF