1. Qualification Phase
Initially ensures the battery is in good condition prior to launch of normal charge processes, as a
safety measure charge processes will not begin if battery is below 2 volts
2. Soft Start Phase
Soft Start is applied when the charger has detected a battery at a very low initial state of charge.
Voltage and current are delivered at a specified rate to help the battery to recover prior to
entering pulse charge mode
3. Bulk Charge Phase
With the battery now having gone through Qualification and Recovery phases as needed the
Bulk Charge phase gives the battery constant current, taking the battery up to 80% of its full
4. Adaptive Phase
The charger can make a calculated guess for the battery capacity.Automatically adjust the
charging current.to avoid overcharge battery while using this charger for a small capacity battery
5. Absorption Phase
In the Absorption phase the battery is given constant voltage while current is reduced based on
actions taken from ongoing battery monitoring until the battery is 100%o charged
6. Maintenance Phase
The battery can be left safely connected to the charger indefinitely. The charger will constantly
monitor the battery and " turn-on" again as needed to maintain the battery at a full state of
LiFePO4 Charging Mode( Lithium Battery Charge Mode)
4 Stage Charge, Conditioning Process Map