Instruction Manual
Art–Nr.: C140560
TX240 Professional-Duo-Touch
Be very careful to choose the correct voltage for different types of battery otherwise you
may cause damage to the batteries. Incorrect settings could cause the cells to fire or
You have read the instruction carefully and handle the charger with care but still have problems
with the charger. Than please send us the charger back with a short but precise description of the
problem or damage to CS-ELETRONIC GmbH, Johann-Karg-Str. 30, D-85540 Haar bei München.
More info: http//cs-shop.de./Reklamationen
By sending us the item back you agree that we are going to repair the product. On your specific
request we will make a estimate of cost, this will be charged to you if you later on didnʼt confirm the
repair order.
CS-ELECTRONIC isnʼt able to control the correct handling, installation or the instruction manual
was followed up correctly. Based on this CS-ELECTRONIC will not be responsible in case of losing
the charger, damages or costs that are related to wrong use or operation and any other issues
related to a wrong handling.
CS-ELECTRONIC products are manufactured with the highest quality standards. We guarantee
that the charger gets delivered in perfect condition. CS-ELECTRONIC granted the implied warranty
of production- and material faults that already exit by the delivery of the item. For typical wear
during the use of there is no liability. The warranty will not be accepted for defects that are related
to normal wearing, wrong use or improper maintenance. Any use of this product is on your own
risk. A warranty claim is just possible, if you add a copy of the purchase receipt. The warranty will
never be higher than the value of the product.
By using this product you agree on the above conditions and take the full responsibility from the
use of this product. The announced values like weight, size and others are given as a guideline.
CS-ELECTRONIC does not take any formal obligation for this kind of technical data an they can
change in the interest to receive a better product.
The charger TX240-Professional-Duo-Touch-Balance-Ladegerät-12V-240V, with the item no.
C140560 compiles with the relevant national and European regulations.