Crystal Vision
Control Descriptions
Reference Missing
Assert if video reference missing (3GS and 3GS-20 models
Input Video Black
Assert GPO if input video is black for the period set by the
‘Black Delay’ control.
Input Video Frozen
Assert GPO if input video is still-frame for the period set by the
‘Frozen Delay’ control.
Alarm Delay Time
Set the time that the ‘Input Video Black’ and ‘Input Video Frozen’ conditions must be
active before the alarms are asserted.
Set the time period that the video input must remain black
before asserting the GPO. Can be set in the range 1 to 30
Set the time period that the video input must remain frozen
before asserting the GPO. Can be set in the range 1 to 30
ViViD 3G User Manual R1.4
19 January 2021