Crystal Vision
Control and Status Monitoring
GPI Level
Fact Res Exc Presets
Fact Res Inc Presets
GPO Alarms
GPO 5/6 Alarms
GPO Asserted
Input Missing
Reference Missing
Input Video Black
Input Video Frozen
Alarm Delay
Alarm Delay
The above menu structure is the means to access the various ViViD 3G controls and status.
A more detailed description is in the section ‘Control Descriptions’.
Controlling cards via VisionWeb
Crystal Vision cards use an XML file to create a control database that is used by the card’s
front-edge controller, the Indigo frame front panel controller and VisionWeb software.
VisionWeb software offers a full range of controls with slider controls etc. similar to that
available with the older Statesman PC software.
Accessing the Indigo Home page with a PC browser via the Ethernet connector of an
Ethernet-enabled frame will display a list of the cards fitted. (See appropriate frame manual
for more details.)
Indigo home page
The example above shows a ViViD 3G card fitted in slot one and the frame’s power supply
and status monitor in slots 13 and 14. Clicking on the ViViD 3G card will bring up the card’s
home page:
ViViD 3G User Manual R1.4
19 January 2021