Crystal Vision
Using the front control panel
Smart Switch 3G User Manual R1.10
Input and
Output 1 routing
Rotate the shaft control to view the video routing selection.
F3: set the input routing.
Ip1> Op1, Ip1>Op2, Ip2>Op1, Ip2>Op2.
F4: set the output routing.
Ip1> Op1, Ip1>Op2, Ip2>Op1, Ip2>Op2.
F1: press to action routing selection.
Output 2 routing Rotate the shaft control to view the output 2 video routing.
Press F2 to select.
Follow Output 1, Don’t follow Output 1.
EDH/CRC latch
Rotate the shaft control to view reset.
Press F2 to select.
Press F3 to confirm.
Audio group
monitor selector
Rotate the shaft control to view the audio group monitor selection.
Press F2 to select.
Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 4.
Auto switch
Rotate the shaft control to view the switch synchronisation selection.
Press F2 to select.
Immediate, Field, Frame.
Switch back
Rotate the shaft control to view the switch back when clear selection.
Press F2 to select.
Immediately, After Delay, Latch.
Valid video
format selector
Rotate the shaft control to view the valid signal format selection.
Press F2 to select.
All, 1080p 50/59.94/60, 1080i 50/59.94/60, 720p 50/59.94/60, 625,
GPI control
Rotate the shaft control to view the Output A GPI control selection.
Press F2 to select. Rotate the shaft control to make selection.
No GPI Tally on b, Level a Tally b, Edge a Tally b, Edge ab Tally
ab, Edge ab NoTally, GPI Force.
Factory reset
Rotate the shaft control to view reset.
Press F2 to select.
Press F3 to confirm.
Switch controls
Both outputs 1 and 2 can be routed individually to connect to either input 1 or input 2. Should
an error occur on one of the outputs associated input, the output can be selected to route away
from the faulty input to the remaining good input. The monitored error conditions are found in
the Alarm menu.