Crystal Vision
Appendix A
The board status is shown using a mixture of simulated LEDs and text information. As
a general rule a green LED shows a good condition such as input present or audio
groups present. An amber LED will give a warning as with channel silence, video
black or video frozen. If an LED turns red this is a fault condition so input present will
turn red if the input should go away. The GPO alarms will also show red when active.
A greyed LED will indicate an absence such as non-alarm or non-warning status.
Text is used where more information is required than can be inferred by a simple LED
such as video standards.
Status monitoring
Video status LEDs
Down-converted Output
This LED will be illuminated when the Q-Down-ATG 3G is down converting.
Pass-Though Output
Whenever the input format is the same as the selected output format this LED will be
illuminated. When in bypass mode all aspect ratio controls will be disabled along with
the vertical filtering. The analogue output selection remains active along with the
analogue and digital RGB and YUV proc amps and the delay controls.
Bypassed Output
This LED will be illuminated when the Q-Down-ATG 3G has been set to bypass by
checking the Bypass box in the engineering section. For the Q-Down-ATG 3G to
enter bypass mode both the input and output selection must be the same otherwise
the bypass command will be ignored. As it’s not possible to select a 3G output,
selecting bypass will also be ignored with a 3G input present. In bypass mode the
analogue output selection remains active along with the analogue RGB and YUV
proc-amps and the delay controls. The digital proc-amps will be disabled and the SDI
delay through the Q-Down-ATG 3G will be set to its minimum processing delay. (SD
approximately 2
S delay and HD less than 1
S delay.)
The control tab is where the digital and analogue output formats are configured. The
vertical bandwidth filtering is also selected here; the vertical bandwidth control is
common to both the digital and analogue outputs.
Q-Down-AG 3G/ATG 3G User Manual R2.1
11 July 2019