Probably you've noticed that, next to the labels “Upper” and “Lower”, there's a smaller
label that reads “HOLD”. This is a special function that, when activated, momentarily
disconnects the drawbars from the sound, allowing you to adjust the drawbars
without affecting the sound, and get instantly to the new registration, as if it were a
stored preset, the exact moment you deactivate the HOLD function.
Example: select the upper manual, set the drawbars the way you like and play a
chord; now press the upper manual selection button again (button n. 9), you'll notice
that the corresponding LED starts flashing; now move the drawbars to a new
registration while still keeping the chord playing... hear, nothing changes to the
sound; now push the HOLD button again. The new registration is now playing.
This is pretty much what organists use to do with console organs that have two
drawbar sets per each manual.
To activate or deactivate this function, first press and hold the pedalboard selection
button n. 14 and then press lower selection button n. 12. The yellow LED n. 13 stays
on if this function is enabled.
This function makes it possible to play the pedalboard tones along with the lower
manual, one stacked on top of the other, with the difference that the lower manual
will play across the whole keyboard, while the pedalboard will only play across the
lower 25 notes.
It's a short, percussive sound that's added on top of the
drawbar sound with the aim to reinforce the attack
transient, adds something special to the organ sound.
Button n. 18: Turns the percussion on or off. Please
note that the percussion only works on the upper
manual and, when activated, disables the sound of the
last drawbar, exactly like in the original tonewheel
Button n. 19: if activated, the percussion volume is “soft”; otherwise it's louder.
Button n. 20: selects the percussion decay time, a short (fast) decay when it's
on, or a longer (slow) decay when it's off.
Button n. 21: selects the harmonic used for the percussion sound, the third
harmonic (drawbar n. 5) when it's on, second harmonic (drawbar n. 4) when off.
Fig. 9 - The percussion buttons.