We assume you already know what drawbars are and how they affect the sound of a
tonewheel organ. If you don't, we invite you to search the web and read one of many
documents that explain how tonewheel organs work. Our sole intention, in this
chapter, is to explain that the 9 drawbars can work for both the upper manual and
the lower manual, and the first 3 work for the pedalboard.
Have a look at figure 8. The row labeled “VB3” indicates the pitch of each drawbar; the
row labeled “TW-BASS” indicates that the first drawbar adjusts the 16' of the
pedalboard, the second drawbar adjusts the 8' and the third drawbar adjusts the
release time (simulation of the “string bass” function). Of course, in order to have
drawbars adjusting the pedalboard, you have to select the pedalboard by pushing
button n. 14.
Don't forget, first make sure which manual you have selected, then move
the drawbars
Despite the printed digits from 1 to 8 and the 15 “clicks” that you feel when
moving the drawbars, they actually send 128 MIDI values from 0 to 127.
Drawbars are just like normal slider pots, only with the shape and the look
of organ drawbars.
Each manual (upper and lower) supports two “drawbar presets”; upper manual uses
buttons 8A and 8B, lower manual uses buttons 11A and 11B. They work just like the
reversed color keys of a console tonewheel organ, exactly the same way. They only
store the values of the drawbars. When a preset is activated, moving the drawbars
won't make any change to the sound; when a preset is activated on the upper
manual, the percussion is disabled; to re-enable the drawbars, just re-select the
manual you wish to control.
How to save a drawbar preset
: select the desired manual, set the drawbars in the
desired position, press and hold the desired preset button. You'll see the LED quickly
blinking only once, indicating the end of the process.
Fig. 8 - Drawbar function table.