By now you're probably really anxious to listen to your stereo system. Before you switch on that radio, you have to
complete some very important adjustments in order to fine-tune your system.
Check the manuals of the processor(s) following the CFQ31M for their maximum input levels (listed as input
sensitivity). Most signal processors and amplifiers do not accept the 8volts RMS of input this processor can
produce so signal should never reach peak output.
Adjust the input level of the CFQ31M to 0.
Preset the output level of the CFQ31M slightly above minimum gain.
Depress the EQ bypass switch to the off position. Set the equalizer bands flat to zero
Set the input levels of all processors and amplifiers to 1/4 maximum.
Activate the radio power. Set the tone controls, balance and fader controls to the center or flat position.
These next steps are best accomplished with the following items: a test disc or cassette with a 1Khz test tone, a
digital volt meter, and a couple of very dynamic tracks on your favorite CD or cassette. Follow the level
adjustments below.
Plug in the test CD or cassette and play the 1Khz tone. If you are using a CD, you may wish to turn on the track
repeat function. If you do not have a test CD, skip to step 3 b.
Unplug the output signal cable of the CFQ31M(s) going into the following component(s). Connect your volt
meter to the output cable as shown below and turn the volt meter to AC voltage.
Turn the radio on and adjust the volume to ¾ of maximum. Adjust the output of the CFQ31M unit the volt
meter meets the maximum rated input acceptable into the next unit. Repeat with all CFQ31Ms making sure to
maintain the same output voltage between each. Finish by placing the output signal cables back into the next
Turn the radio on and adjust the volume to ¾ of maximum while playing your favorite CD or cassette.
Adjust the output of the CFQ31M until the onset of distortion is heard, then reduce the output level slightly.
Repeat with all CFQ31Ms.
Set the levels for all following components as suggested by that manufacture.
Take a few minutes now to listen to the system using your favorite music tracks to determine if the volume is
satisfactory. At ¾ maximum volume, the system should be at maximum and distortion should be faintly
Check the clip indicator on the CFQ31M at ¾ volume. Make sure the LED is not illuminating. If the clip
indicator is illuminating, reduce the output level until it completely shuts off. The level controls on the
following processors or amplifiers may need adjustment as well.