Revision: 1.18
CrossFire IX – Freely Programmable - Data Logger Edition -
Programming Manual
As with all wireless communication, there is no guarantee that all CAN messages will be delivered
when using Wi-Fi. The system must be designed with this in mind. Also make sure to change the
default password by modifying the ESP8266 code.
The ThingSpeak example
ThingSpeak is an IoT portal available for both commercial and non-commercial use. ThingSpeak is
integrated with MATLAB making it possible to perform advanced data analysis.
The ThingSpeak example shows how to send data to the ThingSpeak IoT server. The example sets
up analog in1 and in2 to 0-32V and sends the measure values in mV to the ThingSpeak server every
30s. It is also possible to use the ThingSpeak TalkBack app to send data to the unit to control an
output. There are two talkback commands supported “TURN_ON” and “TURN_OFF”.
To test the example you can register a free account on the ThingSpeak web site
. You need to create your own channel and update the ESP8266 example